Browse Items (77 total)
- Tags: Halloween
Reba Bradshaw; Doris Bradshaw; & Judy Elmore
Tags: & Judy Elmore, & Judy Elmore about their lives in Bland County., 2/24/01, 331, Adriana Faulkner, berry picking, Biographical, Bland Co., Bland High School, Bluefield, Christmas, Doris Bradshaw, Doris Dillow, Easter, gardening, Gone With the Wind, Halloween, Hollybrook, John Wayne, Korean War, Lana Turner, Life in Bland County, Marylyn Monroe, Mechanicsburg, Mickey Mantle, NC, Pinch Creek, playground games, Pres. Eisenhower, Pres. Nixon, Pres. Roosevelt, Pres. Truman, Pulaski Co., Reba Bradshaw, Rufus Havens, Sparta, Texas, Thanksgiving, This is an interview with Reba Bradshaw, Watergate, Wytheville
Homer Lee Wright
Tags: 328, 5/24/01, Biographical, Buckhorn Market, chores, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Hollybrook, home remedies, Homer Lee Wright, Korean War, Life in Bland County, Mollie Neal & Adrianna Faulkner, Narrows, Pres. Eisenhower, Pres. Johnson, Pres. Kennedy, Pres. Nixon, Pres. Truman, Radford, Shiloh United Methodist, This is an interview with Homer Lee Wright about his life in Bland County., Vietnam War, Watergate, Waynesboro, World War II
Edna Sarver
Tags: 0325, 12/14/00, 325, Bastian, Bastian Elementary, Betsey Ross Bakery, Biographical, Blessing Brothers Grocery, Bluefield, Chatham hill, chores, Christmas, Cussin Hollow, Depression, Dora Coulthard, East River Mountain, Easter, Edna Sarver, Franklin D. Roosevelt, gardening, Grand Ole Opry, Halloween, Jon Sarver, Kingsport, Korean War, Life in Bland County, Little Women, Louisa May Elcot, Marion, Marion Clem Buchanan, Nashville, New Deal, Pearl Harbor, Pres. Eisenhower, Pres. Johnson, Pres. Kennedy, Pres. Nixon, Pres. Truman, Pulaski, Reynolds Aluminum, Roy Rogers, Rural Retreat, school programs, Smith Co., Social Security, This is an interview with Edna Sarver about her life in Bland County., TN, Vietnam War, Watergate
Reba Bradshaw
Tags: 0323, 12/17/00, 323, Adriana Faulkner, Adriena Faulkner, atom bomb, Biographical, bonfires, Christmas, Church, Grand Ole Opera, Halloween, Hollybrook, Korean War, Life in Bland County, outhouse, Pearl Harbor, Reba Bradshaw, Roy A. Cup, School, This is an interview with Reba Bradshaw about her life in Bland County., Vietnam War, woodstove, WW II
Alfred Faulkner
Tags: 0322, 1/9/01, 322, Adriana Faulkner, Alfred Faulkner, Biographical, Bland, Bland Co., Brushy Mountain Hotel, CCC Camps, Chester Faulkner, chores, Christmas, Deer Run Estates, George Faulkner, Halloween, Kimberling, Korean War, Life in Bland County, Log Cabin Restaurant, Lone Ranger, Nola Pruett Faulkner, Pearl Harbor, Pres. Eisenhower, Pres. Kennedy, Pres. Nixon, Pres. Roosevelt, President Johnson, Rocky Gap, Roy Rogers, Skyway, This is an interview with Alfred Faulkner about his life in Bland County., Vietnam War, Watergate, World War II
Bessie Dent
Tags: 0320, 320, 4/29/01, Aaron Wolfe, Alice Roberson, Barry Dent, Bastian, Bessie Dent, Biographical, Cammy Dent, Cecle Estep, Charlie Couch, Christmas, Danny Ray Dent, Della May Estep, Ewell Berry Estep, Fred Estep, George Kennedy, Halloween, I love Lucy, Jimmy Lawson, Juanita Margret, Karen Dent, Life in Bland County, Matthew Dent, Matthew Dent & Aaron Wolfe, Narrows, Odis Estep, Randy Dent, Ray Dent, Rocky Gap, Scott County, Sharlet Mead, Shelia Dent, This is an interview with Bessie Dent about her life in Bland County., Tine Estep, Wise County, World War II
Richard Neal
Tags: 0313, 313, 5/25/00, Annie French, Appomattox, atomic bomb, Augusta, Austria, Bastian, Biographical, Bland Co., California, Canada, chores, Depression, Dink Rooker, East Berlin, East End, Europe, Florida, Franklin Roosevelt, Georgia, GTE, Halloween, Jeffrey Johnson & Ryan Leftwich, Jimmy Pemberton, Joe Dokes, Johnny Bogle Honaker, Korean War, Life in Bland County, Loris Davis Neal, Pearl Harbor, Pres. Eisenhower, Pres. Kennedy, Pres. Nixon, Pres. Truman, PTA, Rhine River, Richard Neal, Richard Wiley, Rocky Gap, Ruritan Club, Sam James Neal, school subjects, Tazewell Co., This is an interview with Richard Neal about his life in Bland County., VA, Watergate, World War II, Yellow River
Beulah Morehead
Tags: 3/1/00, 305, arithmetic, Beulah Morehead, Biographical, Bishop Chapel, Blanche Comptom, Bland County, Bland Fair, Bluefield, Bluefield Sanitarium, Bruden Dranolick, Casablanca, CCC Camps, Christmas, Clearfork, coal stove, Conley Store, crack the whip, Craig County, Depression, electricity, English Army, Enlgish, farmer, fireplace, Fort Oglethorpe, garden, geography, Georgia, Germany, Grandma Hutchinson, Halloween, history, Honaker Store, hopscotch, Japan, Jessica DeHart & Tiffany Munson, Life in Bland County, marbles, MP, Nannie Rose Tiller, New Deal, New Years Eve, nigger, Nixon, Oscar W. Caldwell, Pearl Harbor, President Eisenhower, Ralph Tiller, Raymond Stowers, Rocky Gap, Roosevelt, RT Reynolds, Ruth Crabtree, Sally Anne Bird, Sleigh riding, St. Lukes Hospital, This is an interview with Beulah Morehead about her life in Bland County., Timberman, WAC, washing board, William Clarence Morehead Jr., Women’s Auxilary Corps, WPA
Helen Coburn
Tags: 1/4/00, 289, Angela Shrader, Bastian, Biographical, Bland County, Byron Morehead, C.C. Morehead, Charles L. Morehead, Christmas, coal, docters, Donald Ray. Charlie Vernon, Dora May Walker, Emery Morehead, Gilbet Morehead, Halloween, Hazel Shrader, Helen Coburn, Hicksville, James Morehead, Junior, Leona Morehead, Life in Bland County, Mame Shufflebarger, monet amounts, Nina Hicks, Post Office, Rocky Gap., Round Bottom, School, Terra Bradshaw & Natasha Looney, This is an interview with Helene Coburn about her life in Bland County., toys, Virginia, voting, warren
Nell Kidd
Tags: 11/5/98, 264, Alaska, Albert Dalton, Amos and Andy, Annie Over, Archie Covington, arithmetic, atom bomb, baseball, Bill Leonard, Biography, Bland County, Bob Mittslefelt, Burkes Garden, canning, CCC Camps, Chestnut Grove Christian Church, chores, Christmas, Church, Clearfork, Darrel Kidd, David Scarce, Deavers, Easter, electricity, Ellis Dickens, English, Everett Looney, Family/People, Farming, Finley Dalton, fishing, gardening, Gene Dalton, geography, Germany, Gertrude Dalton, Grapefield Church of God, Grattan, Great Depression, Gunsmoke, Halloween, hide and go seek, history, Holly Smith, Hughe Cox, James Kidd, James Whitten, Japanese, Kenneth Kidd, Korean War, Laramie, LeeRoy Beckner, Leone Dalton, Lum and Abner, marbles, Margaret Hager, Margaret Hallory, Methodist Parsonage, Mickey Kidd, Miss Lou Gillespie, Misty Balas, Misty Balas and Holly Smith, Nancy Dalton, Nancy Kidd, Nell Kidd, Northwest Passage, Ony Dickens, packing lunch, Pearl Harbor, phone, population boom, pranks, Pulaski County, radio, raising children, rations, reading, Richard Kidd, Rocky Gap, Rofus Dalton, Ruby Dalton, Sadam Hussein, Santa Clause, School, sharecropping, sleighing, spelling, Springville, Stanley Dalton, stock market, Sweeney, tag, Tazewell County, Tazewell Road, television, The Gulf War, Valentine’s Day, Wagon Train, Whitten’s Mill, winter, writing, WWI, WWII
Faye A. Hodges
Tags: 10/20/99, 261, April Fools, Army, baseball, Berkhart and Carrol, Biographical interview with Ms. Faye A. Hodges. Mrs. Hodges has lived up Laurel Fork her whole life., Biography, Blanche Alkers, Bland County, Bluefield, Calvin Coolidge, carpentry, Carrol Bros. Store, cattle, CCC, checkers, chores, Christmas, Conley’s Store, Danridge Akers, Darthena Akers, dating, Democrat, Dublin, Easter, electricity, Everett B. Akers, family/ people, Farming, Faye A. Hodges, Faye Hodge’s Grocery, Fourth of July, foxtrot, games, Giles County, Halloween, Herbert Hoover, Hubert Wilson Hodges, Jessica DeHart and Tiffany Munson, Juanita Akers Updike, Laurel Fork, Mable Leverson, Mable Pruett, Margaret Gleason Akers, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Blanche Musick, New Deal, P.E. Goodman, Patrick B. Akers, planes, plays, plumbing, President Roosevelt, Pulaski County, PWA, radio, Republican, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap High School, rooke, School, setback, snowstorms, South Carolina, Spartenburg, stock market crash, suffrage, Thanksgiving, The Great Depression, turkey raising, TV, Valentine’s Day, waltz, WDA, West Virginia Hotel, William David Akers, William Hubert Hodges
Mellisie Kidd Gibson
Tags: 10/25/99, 1950’s, 260, advice, arithmatic, Bastian, Bastian Elementary School, Bibliography, bicycles, Biographical interview of Mellissie, Bland High School, Bluefield, Ceres, children, Chinese Checkers, chores, Christiansburg, Christmas, Commissioner of Revenue, courting, Cynthia Akers and Kara Perkins, David Newberry Kidd, electricity, games, Halloween, Helen Hardy, hide and seek, Ira S. Kidd, Jimmy Ray Gibson, John W. Kidd, John Wayne, Kidd Cheverolet, Korean War, life in Bland Co, lunch, Mary Margaret, Mellisie Kidd Gibson, Mildred Newberry Kidd, movies, Mr. Dow Davis, Mrs. Marie Groseclose, Mrs. Rosa Byrd, mud pies, Narrows, Old Maid, out house, paper dolls, party lines, peer pressure, pranks, President Eisenhower, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Pulaski Community Hospital, punishment, radio, Railroad, rationing, Red Skeleton, Riner, Rook, Saw Mill, shape the world is in, shows, telephone, television, Valentine’s Day, vdgetables, Virginia, W.S. Newberry, Watergate, weather, writing, WWII
Ben Bird Jr.
Tags: 257, 4-H club, 9/11/99, Armor Dial, Backstreet, Bay of Pigs, Beer Garden, Ben Bird Jr., Ben Lee Bird, Bland Co., Bland Co. Fair, Bland High School, Bob Larson, Bristol, Buck Collins, Carl Stock, Carolyn Baine, CBS, Claude Stowers, Clyde Elliott, Dall Davis, Daniel Boone District, Depression, Dramatics Club, Dunn Motors, Eastern Kentucky, Eddie Hubb, Fayette Grayson, FFA, Florida, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Game Commission of Virginia, Germans, Glenwood Park, Gone With the Wind, Grover Hamilton, Guy Dunn, Halloween, Helen Harley, Hercules Potter Co., Hollybrook, Hop-Along Cassidy, Ike Pauley, Illinois, Inland Fisheries, J.T. Dunn, Jack Kennedy, Japan, Jim Munsey, Kidd Chevrolet, King College, Korean campaign, Life and the Bland County Fair, Lux Soap, Lux Theatre, Margie Blankenship, Mechanicsburg, Nannie Burton Bird, Nanny Sawyer, North Carolina, Patrick Co., Pearl Harbor, Pete Newberry, Poplar Hill, President Kennedy, Radford, Radford Arsenal, Ralph Reynolds, Richmond, Roanoke, Robbie Morehead, Rocky Marciano, Rosa Jones Bird, Rosa Mann, Ruth Kegley, Server King, Sid Caesar, Southwest Virginia, TN, Tom Dunn, Tommy Dunn, Victor Gilly, Virginia Brown, Virginia Grayson, Wagner Auditorium, Walker Creek, Warren Newberry, Wayne Thompson, Whitt Price, William Washington Bird, Wilwald Theatre, Woodrow Bird, Woodson Thompson, World War II
Junior Shockley
Tags: 1942, 254, 5/20/99, Adam Akers/Zane Perkins, Aldeman, Austinville, baseball, Basketball, bicycle, Biographical interview conducted with Junior Shockley., Biography, Bird Farm, Bland County, Bobby Bane, boot camp, Buckner’s Bay, buggy, Cambridge Maryland, Carroll County, chores, Christmas, coal heating, Coolidge, country store, dairy farms, Dale Smith Shockley, dates, Debbie Davis, Department of Agriculture, destroyer escort., Dolores Thompson, Dorothy Shaffers Humphry, Easter, electricity, Ellis Alderman, Family/People, Farming, feeding, fire crackers, fishing, floods, Fourth of July, Fredericksburg, games, garden, George Bird, Grayson County, Halloween, highway department, Hillsville, Hillsville Theater, hogs, holidays, honeymoon, Japan, John Smith Shockley, Junior Shockley, King George, lead mines, marbles, Max Meadows, milk cows, movies, Navy, New River, oil lamps, Pacific, pranks, Pulaski Hospital, Rex Morehead, Roosevelt, Roy Rogers, running water, Shockley School, sled, snow storms, Soil Conservation Agent, Spotsylvania, spring, Stafford, Tates, tennis, Texas, toys, Virginia Beach, wagon, Wytheville
Gene Slaughter
Tags: 251, 5/15/99, Bastian, Biographical interview conducted with Gene Slaughter., Biography, Bland County, Bluefield, Carroll’s Store, Charlie Taylor, Christmas, Clifford Willis, Cumberland Road, Dorcas White, Falls Mills, Family/People, Freddy Ray Slaughter, Gene Autry, Gene Slaughter, Grandmother Slaughter, Halloween, Harless, Hattie Willis, Heath Slaughter, Hitler., Hubert Slaughter, Jimmy Stuart, Johnny Mac Brown, Lash LaRue, Laurel Creek, movies, Mr. Roosevelt, Palmer Carroll, Pearl Harbor, Puckett, rationing, Rocky Gap, Roy Rogers, Shufflebarger, Tazewell County, Tinia Elizabeth Slaughter, Tom WIllis, VA, weather, WWII
Elsie Harless
Tags: 247, 5/15/99, Alvie Tabor, Amos Tabor, Arnold Tabor, Barbara Harless, BIll Walter’s place, Birdie Tabor, Bland, Bland County, businesses, Christmas, Clearfork, David Harless, Davidson place, Doug Harless, Dryfork, Earl Tabor, Elsie Harless, Frank Gordon Tabor, Franklin Roosevelt, garden, Grace Tabor, Great Depression, Halloween, Helen Marar Wolfe, Helen Tabor, Homer Tabor, Hoover, James Tabor, Jesse Tabor, Josh Kidd, Josh Kidd & Zane Perkins, Judy Harless, Kimberlin, Korean War, Marion Lee Harless, Myrtle Tabor, Nanny Tabor, Patty Harless, Peggy Harless, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Richlands, Roy Tabor, Ruth Tabor, Santa Clause, Skip Harless, Watergate., Wolfe Creek, Zane Perkins
Betty K. Munsey
Tags: 245, 3/22/99, Anguis, April Love, Bedford County, Betty K. Munsey, Bland County, Bluefield, Bob Munsey, Botetaut County, Caba Methodist, Constance Whitt, Craig County, Debbie Munsey, Don Dubrant, Dwight D. Eisenhower, garden, Good Friday, Halloween, June Keffier, Kataba Sanotarium, Katopa, Kayaba, Kennbeck, Mason Keffier, May, Michael Munsey, Miner Keffier, Montgomery County, North Side High School, Oren Spin, Pat Boone, Pecks of Otter, Princeton, Roanoke, Seattle., Shirley Jone, Southern States pig feed, St. Patrick’s Day, Thelma Spin, Top Elementary, VA, Viowa Keffier, Virginia Tech, Wayne Keffier
Helen Gibson
Tags: 2/22/99, 239, Alvy Taber, Amos Taber, Arnold Taber, Bertie Taber, Bishop Chapel, Bland, Bland Courthouse, Bluefield, Bob Gibson, Brother Taylor, Christmas, Clearfork, dating, Donald Gibson, Ed Gibson, Elsie Taber, Farming, Frank Taber, games, garden, George Washington, Glenn Hare, Grace Taber, Halloween, Helen Gibson, Helen Taber, Helen Wolf, Homer Taber, house, Jane Gibson, Jewel Gibson, Johnson, Josh Kidd & Zane Perkins, Kennedy, Korean War, Laurel Fork, Lincoln, Mayberry, movies, Myrtle Taber, Nanny Taber, Nixon, Pearl Harbor, radio, Richard Gibson, Rocky Gap, Russia, Ruth Taber, school subjects, Sherwood Goleycomb, Stowersville, Tazewel, Truman, VA, Watergate, Wolfcreek, World War II
Archie Kidd
Tags: 12/13/98, 233, and Nancy Kidd, Archie Kidd, Bland County, chores, Cynthia Kidd, Dan and Ada Wolfe, Darrell, Eric Fleming, games, garden, Grapefield, Halloween, James, Josh Kidd, Joshua Kidd, Kelly and Sally Kidd, Kenneth, Kenneth Kidd, Korean War, Meek Devors, Michael, movies, Nellie Kidd, President Kennedy, President Nixon, Richard, Rocky Gap, School, Sid Kidd, Tazewell County, Vietnam War, Washington County, Watergate, World War I
L. M. Harless
Tags: 226, 4/20/98, Akers, atomic bomb, ball, Batan, Batan Death March, battery radio, beer, bingo, Bland County, Bluefield, brother, candy, Capefield Battle Hospital, Carbaugh, cattle, CCC, chewing gum, children, chores, Christmas, cigarettes, cook stove, corn, cost, country house, creek, cut wood, Depression, dope, Doug Harless, Egleston, Elbert Minnick, electricity, Everett Harless, feed chickens, Field Theatre, fish, fought, Franklin D. Roosevelt, games, garden, Gary Cooper, Gary Harless, gasoline, George Harless, Germans, Glen Harless, Guam, Halloween, hide and seek, High Point, high school, hogs, holidays, home, horses, housewife, hunt, industry, Iris Harless, Japaneese, Japanesse Concentration Camp, Jeremy Harless, Karen Harless, Korean War, L. M. Harless, Lena Rivers Harless, Luther Harless, Marion Harless, married, meal, meats, miner, movie, movie star, New Deal, Nixon, North Carolina, Novis, Okanawa, Orville Harless, paddles, paling fence, paralyzed, Paul Harless, Pearl Harbor, Philipines, play cards, pop corn balls, president, President Eisenhower, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Truman, PWA, radio, restaurant, Rocky Gap, Roy Harless, Saw Mill, School, school bus, service, set back, Shirley Ann Harless, shoes, shot marbles, sleds, South Gap, Spinner McGhee, Sprucerun, Staffordsville, stock market crash, storms, Sunset Restaurant, switches, teachers, telephone, television, Tilitha Harless, toys, trade., tree, Troutville, Vietnam, Violet Harless, Virginia, wagons, War, Ward Harless, wash dishes, Watergate, wheelchair, Wilburs, winter, wood, World War II, WPA
Pete Ferguson
Tags: 225, 3/7/98, ABC’s, Ada, AEP, Appalachian, apple pies, Arnett, bank, barn, barnyard, baseball, Bastian, bed, bedroom, Belcher, Belcher Furniture, Belcher Lumber Company, Biographical / Dry Fork, Bishop, Blanche Ferguson, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, bonnet, Bonnie Dodson, brach, Bramwell, Brazil, bread, brick oven, brothers, Buckhorn Mountain, cabbages, cabinets, cakes, carpenter, Cashew Hill, cast iron, cemeteries, chain saw, Charlie Taylor, cheesecloth, chimney, China, Christmas, Church, cloak room, cloth, coal miner, Columbia French, cookies, corn, cover, crane, Creole, D.C., desks, devotion, diningroom, dishes, doctor, dresser, Earth, Eisenhouer, families, Family/People, farm, farm equipment, farmed, farmer, Farming, Fort Chiswell, Franklin County, Fred, French, furniture, games, garden, Georgia, GlenLynn, God, Gordons, government, grades, graduation ceremony, grandma’s, grandpa, Halloween, hay, hearth, Hector, Hill Top, hogs, Honaker’s Store, horse, horses, hospital, house, Howard Stowers, Howard’s Store, Hubert Gordon, Jack Tynes, James, Jefferson National Forest, John and Bonnie Dodson, John Dodson, Junie, kids, kitchen, kraut, land, Lee, Lee’s, Lewis Ferguson, livingroom, log barn, logs, Lord, lunch, M. H. Ferguson, Mac, Mac Ferguson, MacDaniel Ferguson, Mack Harfney Ferguson, mahogany wood, Martha Cobb, Marvin Tynes, Maryland, mattresses, May, May Charles, meat, meat house, mechanic, Mervetta, mild, militia, milk, mill, Miss Black, Miss Morehead, Miss Whitney, Monday, mother, mountain, mountains, movies, Mr. Charles, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Gray, Mr. Honaker, Mr. Honaker., Mr. Robinson, Mr. Tynes, Mr. Will Gray, mules, Murray, New Orleans, North Carolina, note, nurse, Ohio, one room school, open heart surgery, path, Pearl Gordon, Pennsylvania, Pete Ferguson, pies, pipe, pneumonia, ponies, porch, Post Office, potatoes, pots, pound cake, Prices, Princeton, property, props, punish, recess, record, Reuben Ferguson, Roberta, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap School, Roosevelt, Ruben Edward, Santa Clause, saw mill, Saw Mill, School, scraper, seed, shanties, Simpson, sink, sisters, slate rock, slave, slavery government, sled, Social Security, songs, South Carolina, spring, spring box, spring house, spring water, stove, straw, substitute teachers, sulpher spring, taxi cab, Tazewell, Tazewell County, teacher, Thelma Smith, This interview is biographical in nature and focuses on life on Dry Fork., tic mattress, Timber, time, trailer, trailers, trees, trench, trough, truck, VA, vegetables, Vernon Cobb, Virginia, Virginia Hardwood, Wagners, wagons, Washington, water, weeds, well water, wheat straw, Willie, winter, wood stove, Work, WV
Bobby Woody
Tags: 219, 4/26/98, and Phyllis Woody, Bluefield, Bobby Woody, Carroll Groceries, Charles Branson, Charlie Preston Woody, Check Point Charlie, chores, Christmas, Cisco Kid, Clearfork, coalmines, College Avenue, Colorado, Denver, Digin Jones, Dreama Woody, East River Mountain, Eisenhower, Elvis Presley, Eric Thompson, Family/People, Fourth of July, games, garden, Gene Autry, Gene Shepbarger’s Groceries, Germans, GI Blues, Halloween, Hollybrook, Ickman, Japanese, John L. Lewis, John Woody, Korean War, Life / Coalmines / War, Marion, Mary Elizabeth Woody, Miss Gregory, Miss Hassel Stowers, Miss Pruett, Miss Simpson, Miss Turner, Miss Updike, movies, North Carolina, O.B., Ohio, Ora Gray Stowers, Pearl Harbor, Pocohontas, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Truman, Raymond, Rescue Squad, Rocky Gap, Roy Rogers, Rural Retreat, Sherman, Taylor’s, Turkey Gap, UMWA, Vietnam War, Vinnie Dot Woody, Virginia, Watha, West Virginia, Wolfcreek, Wytheville, Zorro
Nancy Payne
Tags: 12/19/96, 1928, 215, Alan Paine, Alice Johnson, Arch Rowe, atomic bomb, Biography, Bland County, chores, Christmas, Coal Mine, court, dates, Family/People, farm, games, garden, Gerald Pain, Germany, Halloween, holidays, house wife, Ivy Johnson, Korean War, Lana Alley, Lana Sue, Larry Paine, Laurel, Lexie Brammer, Marcella Paine, March 20, McDowell, McKinley Paine, movie, Mr. Pain, Nancy Margaret Payne, Nancy Payne, Nancy Rowe, Opal Coleman, Pain, Paine, Pauline Cantrell, Payne, Pearl Harbor, pranks, president, Robert Paine, Robin Payne, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap School, Roosevelt, School, sewing factory, snow, stories, Terry Paine, Three Stooges, toys, Tracy Browning, War, weather
John & Harriet Blessing
Tags: 2/19/96, 210, Barnes, Bastian, Bastian Church of God, Bible, Biography, Bishop, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, Botetourt County, Burkes Garden, chores, Christmas, Clark Gable, Clearfork, Cove Creek, dating, Easter, Edna, Eisenhower, Ella Burton, Ethel Ball, Ethel Neel, Family/People, Franklin D. Roosevelt, fun, garden, George Buchanan, George C. Fox, Gerald Walker, Gilbert, Graton, Great Depression, Green Valley, Halloween, Harriet Elvira, Harriet Stump Buchanan, John, John & Harriet Blessing, John Blessing, Korean War, Levi Neel, Macie Ethel Kidd, Marla Pruett, Mary Walker Neel, Misty Balas, Mount Olivet, Narrows, News Center 6, Oakville, Pearl Harbor, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Ray Neel, Rich Snapp, Roanoke, Robert Clay Kidd, Rocky Gap, Roy Roger, Ruth, Stella Blessing, Tazewell County, Thanksgiving, This is an interview with John & Harriet Blessing about their life., Tina, Tultex, Valentines Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Watergate, Wolf Creek, World War II
Terry Nelson
Tags: 1972 Chevrolet Biscaynne, 207, 5/14/98, Annie Stinson, Arnold Stinson, Biography, Brinda Stinson, Dolly Stinson, entertainment, Family/People, garden, Halloween, Honaker Baptist Church, John Wayne, Johnny Stinson, Michael Dean Nelson, Michael Nelson, Mr. Bird, Mr. Groseclose, Mr. Kegley, Mr. Puckett, Mr. Sweet, Mrs. Gordon, Palmer Carols Store, President Kennedy, President Nixon, Richlands, Rocky Gap, Terry Nelson, Thanksgiving, This is an interview with Terry Nelson about her life., Virginia, Watergate