Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: stock market
Nell Kidd
Tags: 11/5/98, 264, Alaska, Albert Dalton, Amos and Andy, Annie Over, Archie Covington, arithmetic, atom bomb, baseball, Bill Leonard, Biography, Bland County, Bob Mittslefelt, Burkes Garden, canning, CCC Camps, Chestnut Grove Christian Church, chores, Christmas, Church, Clearfork, Darrel Kidd, David Scarce, Deavers, Easter, electricity, Ellis Dickens, English, Everett Looney, Family/People, Farming, Finley Dalton, fishing, gardening, Gene Dalton, geography, Germany, Gertrude Dalton, Grapefield Church of God, Grattan, Great Depression, Gunsmoke, Halloween, hide and go seek, history, Holly Smith, Hughe Cox, James Kidd, James Whitten, Japanese, Kenneth Kidd, Korean War, Laramie, LeeRoy Beckner, Leone Dalton, Lum and Abner, marbles, Margaret Hager, Margaret Hallory, Methodist Parsonage, Mickey Kidd, Miss Lou Gillespie, Misty Balas, Misty Balas and Holly Smith, Nancy Dalton, Nancy Kidd, Nell Kidd, Northwest Passage, Ony Dickens, packing lunch, Pearl Harbor, phone, population boom, pranks, Pulaski County, radio, raising children, rations, reading, Richard Kidd, Rocky Gap, Rofus Dalton, Ruby Dalton, Sadam Hussein, Santa Clause, School, sharecropping, sleighing, spelling, Springville, Stanley Dalton, stock market, Sweeney, tag, Tazewell County, Tazewell Road, television, The Gulf War, Valentine’s Day, Wagon Train, Whitten’s Mill, winter, writing, WWI, WWII
Lorraine Tolbert
Tags: 256, 9/10/99, Allen Woodyard, Arthur King, Auburn, Barbara Place, Basketball, Bastian, Bill, Bill Monroe, Biology, Bland Correctional Center, Bland High School, Bob, bookkeeping, canning, CCC, Ceres, Charles, Charlie Barbara Farm, Charlie Barbers, Chemistry, chores, Christmas, churning butter, Correctional, creek, Dollins, Dr. Kegley, Dr. Webner, Dublin, Dublin High School, Dublin Theatre, Earl, Edna May, electricity, Elvis, Emeryl, English, Fanning Farm, Farming, FDR, fishing, Florence Gertrude Hamilton Jenning, Fred, games, gardening, GED, George Farris, Georgie Bird, Giles, Grand ‘Ole Opry, Great Depression, Greenville Farm, Hamlen Jenning, heat, Highland, Hoover, Jack King, Jane Stafford, John Wayne, Korean War, Laura Bridges, Life and the Bland County Fair, Lorraine Tolbert, Lou, lunch, Maggie Leona, Margaret Thompson, Martha Pruett, Mary Stuart, Math, Mechanicsburg, Methodist Church, Motten B, Mr. Ed Hamlen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs. Labellops, Mrs. Via, Ms, Ms. Ethel Billops, Ms. Gregory, Ms. Hilly Munsey, Ms. Lydia Stuart, Ms. Meryl Stuart, Ms. Ramsey, National Gypsum, Nellie Live, Orson Willy Jenning, Pearl Harbor, plumbing, President Johnson, President Kennedy, Pulaski, PWA, Radford, Rev. Anderson, Rita Locust, Robbie Morehead, Rocky Gap High School, Roosevelt, rummie, running water, School, Science, Shorthand, snow, stock market, telephone, Thanksgiving, Tommy Dollins, toys, TV, Typing, Walker Creek, Walker School House, Wally Edna Jenning, West Virginia, White Gate, World War I, World War II, WPA, wrestling
Clara Atha
Tags: 1/24/97, 194, Bastian, Beckley, Biography, Bland County, Buchanan County, CCC, Christmas, Cindy Lou Atha, Clara Atha, Clyde Eugene Looney, Clyde Greever Looney, Debbie LuAnn Atha, Democrats, Doris Adeana Atha, Dwight David Eisenhower, Easter, Family/People, Francis Geraldine Looney, Franklin Roosevelt, Georgia Lee Looney, Glenwood Park, Grapefield, Gratton, Great Depression, Grundy, Halloween, Idell Harmon Looney, Jackofall trades, John Harrison Looney, John Wayne Looney, Kenneth Shrader, Korean War, Mary Carolyn Looney, Mercer County, Michael Edward Looney, Navy, New Deal, Patricia Ann Atha, Phillipines, President Nixon, Princeton, PWA, Raleigh County, Republicans, Rex Allen, Rocky Gap Elementary School, Rocky Gap High School, Roy Atha, Roy Patrick Atha, stock market, Tazewell County, This is an interview with Clara Atha about her life., Vadis Carmel Atha, Valentines Day, Vietnam, Virgie Junedale Looney, Virgie Short, Virginia, Watergate., West Virginia, Western Bluefield, Willie Carolyn Looney, WPA, WWI, WWII
Nannie Rose Tiller
Tags: 10/24/96, 185, American Red Cross, Biography, Bishop's Chapel, Blanche Compton, Bland County, Bland County Fair Association., Bloodmoblies, Bluefield Chapter, Board of Supervisors, Bristol, CCC Camps, Cecil Robinette, Christmas, Clark Gable, Clearfork, Cloyd " Boots" Buford Tiller, Cove Creek, D.E. Conley, Easter, Eloise Stowers, Extension Homemakers, Family/People, Floyd County, Georgia, Germans, Grayson County, Great Depression, H.M. Kinser, Halloween, Herbert Hoover, Homemaker's Club, Honakers, Ilene Wagner, Japanese, Jennifer Becher, Jennifer Belcher, Jim Higgenbotham, John Henry Kinser, Korean War, Laura Stimpson, Letty Strauss Higgenbotham, Lois Kinser, Miller Harrison Kinser, Miss Guy Bruce, Nannie Bourne Kinser, Nannie Rose Tiller, National Association of Federal Retirees, National Association of Postmasters Organization, New Deal, Old Bishop Place, President Eisenhower, President Franklin Roosevelt, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Princeton, Regional 30 Area president, Rocky Gap, Senior Citizens, stock market, Sunday School Superintendant, Tazewell County, Thanksgiving, Thirty-Niner's Club, This is an interview with Nannie Rose Tiller about her life., United States, Valentine's Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Watergate, Wolf Creek, Women's Society, WWII
Flora Lee Beckner
Tags: 10/31/97, 174, Bastian, Biography, Bogel, Buchannon County, CCC Camp, chores, Christmas, Claude, Clinton, Easter, Ether, Family/People, Flora Lee Beckner, fun, garden, Germans, God, Grapefield, Great Depression, Halloween, Hazel, Jack, Jack Kidd, Japenese, Jesus Christ, John Kidd Jr., John Thompson Kidd, Korean War, Leigh-Anne Hudson, Nancy Jane Short, Pearl Harbor, President Coolidge, President Eisenhower, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, Robert, Roosevelt, stock market, Swords Creek, This is an interview with Flora Lee Beckner about her life and about the CCC Camp., Thurman Kidd, Truman, Vietnam, Vivian Brown, West Virginia, World War II
James Vandike
Tags: 131, 3/30/97, Biography, Buchanan County, Christmas, Clint Eastwood, Family/People, Great Depression, Grundy, Grundy Jr. High, Halloween, James Vandike, Korea., mining, Pauline Vandike, stock market, Tazewell, This is an interview with James Vandike about her life., Tonya Shrader, Vansant, World War II
Glen Thompson
Tags: 123, 4/22/97, Abingdon, Bastain, Bill Francisco, Bland, Bland County, Bobby Thompson, Brushfork, Buell Thompson, Calvin Francisco, Carl Thompson, Charles Thompson, Farming, Gene Autry, Glen Thompson, Hal Thompson, Hardwood Lumber Company, Hester Francisco, Japanese, Jennifer Belcher, Jimmy Thompson, Korean War, livestock, Malcom Thompson, Mary Francisco, Mr. Akers, Pearl Harbor, planting, poultry, President Eisenhower, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, Rita Thompson, Rocky Gap, South Pacific, stock market, Sunday School, This is an interview with Glen Thompson about his life and farming., Una Burke, vegetables, Vietnam War, Virginia, Virginia Bailey, Watergate., West Virginia, Work, World War I, World War II