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- Tags: AEP
Ted Lester/Derrick Kidd
Tags: 3/5/06, 437, AEP, Biographical, Bland County, Bland County Powerline, Hog Back, Jachsons Ferry, Jean Claude Siroas, Life in Bland County, Max Meadows, Misty Lester, Oshana, PAR Electrical IBEW Union Hall, Ted Lester, Ted Lester/Derrick Kidd, This is an interview with Ted Lester and Derrick Kidd about the powerline.
R.T. Bowen
Tags: 2/26/01, 327, Abingdon, AEP, Biographical, Bishop, Brown Lambert Mountain, business, California, Coal Camps, Farms, Ferram College, Fieldale, Flashover, Grundy, Herndon, Homes, Jessica Bowen, Kentucky, Life in Bland County, mountain, R.T. Bowen, Ridgeway, Roanoke area, Rocky Gap, RT Bowen Jr., Supplicing, Tagging, Tazewell, This is an interview with R.T. Bowen about his life in Bland County., Virginia, Wyoming Street
Pete Ferguson
Tags: 225, 3/7/98, ABC’s, Ada, AEP, Appalachian, apple pies, Arnett, bank, barn, barnyard, baseball, Bastian, bed, bedroom, Belcher, Belcher Furniture, Belcher Lumber Company, Biographical / Dry Fork, Bishop, Blanche Ferguson, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, bonnet, Bonnie Dodson, brach, Bramwell, Brazil, bread, brick oven, brothers, Buckhorn Mountain, cabbages, cabinets, cakes, carpenter, Cashew Hill, cast iron, cemeteries, chain saw, Charlie Taylor, cheesecloth, chimney, China, Christmas, Church, cloak room, cloth, coal miner, Columbia French, cookies, corn, cover, crane, Creole, D.C., desks, devotion, diningroom, dishes, doctor, dresser, Earth, Eisenhouer, families, Family/People, farm, farm equipment, farmed, farmer, Farming, Fort Chiswell, Franklin County, Fred, French, furniture, games, garden, Georgia, GlenLynn, God, Gordons, government, grades, graduation ceremony, grandma’s, grandpa, Halloween, hay, hearth, Hector, Hill Top, hogs, Honaker’s Store, horse, horses, hospital, house, Howard Stowers, Howard’s Store, Hubert Gordon, Jack Tynes, James, Jefferson National Forest, John and Bonnie Dodson, John Dodson, Junie, kids, kitchen, kraut, land, Lee, Lee’s, Lewis Ferguson, livingroom, log barn, logs, Lord, lunch, M. H. Ferguson, Mac, Mac Ferguson, MacDaniel Ferguson, Mack Harfney Ferguson, mahogany wood, Martha Cobb, Marvin Tynes, Maryland, mattresses, May, May Charles, meat, meat house, mechanic, Mervetta, mild, militia, milk, mill, Miss Black, Miss Morehead, Miss Whitney, Monday, mother, mountain, mountains, movies, Mr. Charles, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Gray, Mr. Honaker, Mr. Honaker., Mr. Robinson, Mr. Tynes, Mr. Will Gray, mules, Murray, New Orleans, North Carolina, note, nurse, Ohio, one room school, open heart surgery, path, Pearl Gordon, Pennsylvania, Pete Ferguson, pies, pipe, pneumonia, ponies, porch, Post Office, potatoes, pots, pound cake, Prices, Princeton, property, props, punish, recess, record, Reuben Ferguson, Roberta, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap School, Roosevelt, Ruben Edward, Santa Clause, saw mill, Saw Mill, School, scraper, seed, shanties, Simpson, sink, sisters, slate rock, slave, slavery government, sled, Social Security, songs, South Carolina, spring, spring box, spring house, spring water, stove, straw, substitute teachers, sulpher spring, taxi cab, Tazewell, Tazewell County, teacher, Thelma Smith, This interview is biographical in nature and focuses on life on Dry Fork., tic mattress, Timber, time, trailer, trailers, trees, trench, trough, truck, VA, vegetables, Vernon Cobb, Virginia, Virginia Hardwood, Wagners, wagons, Washington, water, weeds, well water, wheat straw, Willie, winter, wood stove, Work, WV