Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: movie
Donald Gibson
Tags: 1/6/03, 400, Biographical, Bland, Charles Davidson, Charlotte AnnElliot, Christmas, Church, Dinky, Donald Gibson, Dry Fork Baptist Church, games, Gene Schefferbarter, Halloween, holidays, Kayla Gibson/Jessica Barnette, Life in Bland County, movie, movies, Mr. Cummon, Newton, Palmer Carols, pranks, Rocky Gap, School, Series, Steve Gibson, Sunday School, This is an interview with Donald Gibson about his life in Bland County., Tim Gibson, Toler’s, Walter Davidson
Eunice Childress
Tags: 1/6/00, 292, Bastian, Bastian One Room School, beans, Biographical, Biology, Bland County, blizzard, Blue Grove Inn, CC camp, CCC Camp, Cecille Colley’s Station, Chemistry, chevorlet cars, Churches, Cynthia Akers & Kara Perkins, Eunice Childress, geometry, goverment, Hazel Stowers, Kegley Clinic, Korean War, Life in Bland County, movie, Mrs, Mrs. Ruth Kegley algerbra, Norfolk, PF Shrader, potatoes, President Eisenhower. CC Cap, President Truman, R.E. Kidd, Railroad, rasberry, Sawmill, Science, strawberry patch, T.V., This is an interview with Eunice Childress about her life in Bland County., VA, Virginia Hardwood Lumber Company, winter
Minnie Williams
Tags: 2/15/98, 237, animals, B.A. Smith, Bastian, Bluefield, buggy, Burton, Christmas, Church, courting, Depression, Don, drop the hankerchif, Ed, Ethel Phillips, farm, Flat Top Mountain, games, graduation, Grandfather Wright, Grandpa Williams, hard wood lumber company, Hollybrook, J.D. Halvey, J.D. Harvey, Lester Chandler, Matt Bradshaw, Mechanicsburg, Metty Repass, Minnie Williams, movie, movie house, Mr. Courty Harvey, Mr. D.C. Nunn, Mr. Farlow, Mr. John French, Mr. Port Chelveys, Mr. T.R. Ramsey, Mrs. Oathy Powers, Ms. Marion Rathford, Narrows, Oathy Pruett, oxen, pheasant, Pinch Creek, Princeton, Pulaski, radio, Railroad, recess, Rich Creek, Rocky Gap, School, stores, Tam, teachers, telephone, television, train, wagon, Walkie Talkie, Walter Chandler, Wardensville, West Virginia, Winchester, Wolf Creek
L. M. Harless
Tags: 226, 4/20/98, Akers, atomic bomb, ball, Batan, Batan Death March, battery radio, beer, bingo, Bland County, Bluefield, brother, candy, Capefield Battle Hospital, Carbaugh, cattle, CCC, chewing gum, children, chores, Christmas, cigarettes, cook stove, corn, cost, country house, creek, cut wood, Depression, dope, Doug Harless, Egleston, Elbert Minnick, electricity, Everett Harless, feed chickens, Field Theatre, fish, fought, Franklin D. Roosevelt, games, garden, Gary Cooper, Gary Harless, gasoline, George Harless, Germans, Glen Harless, Guam, Halloween, hide and seek, High Point, high school, hogs, holidays, home, horses, housewife, hunt, industry, Iris Harless, Japaneese, Japanesse Concentration Camp, Jeremy Harless, Karen Harless, Korean War, L. M. Harless, Lena Rivers Harless, Luther Harless, Marion Harless, married, meal, meats, miner, movie, movie star, New Deal, Nixon, North Carolina, Novis, Okanawa, Orville Harless, paddles, paling fence, paralyzed, Paul Harless, Pearl Harbor, Philipines, play cards, pop corn balls, president, President Eisenhower, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Truman, PWA, radio, restaurant, Rocky Gap, Roy Harless, Saw Mill, School, school bus, service, set back, Shirley Ann Harless, shoes, shot marbles, sleds, South Gap, Spinner McGhee, Sprucerun, Staffordsville, stock market crash, storms, Sunset Restaurant, switches, teachers, telephone, television, Tilitha Harless, toys, trade., tree, Troutville, Vietnam, Violet Harless, Virginia, wagons, War, Ward Harless, wash dishes, Watergate, wheelchair, Wilburs, winter, wood, World War II, WPA
Lula Barnette
Tags: 220, 4/10/96, Adner, Alonzo, Amos, Andy, Arver and Ollie Barnett, auction, baby shirts, Bastian, Bastian factory, Bastian Sports Wear, beds, Belcher’s Bridge, Betsy Dent, Beverly Floyd Hall, Beverly Hall, Bill Monroe, Biographical, biscuts, blackberries, Bland, bleach, blue ribbon, Bluefield, bread, bus, butter, cakes, canning book, car, carrots, chairs, Charleston, checkers, chicken, children, chimneys, chores, Christmas tree, Church, churn, cigars, Clarence, Clinton, Color Francis, cooker stove, corn, Corner Diner, country music, cow, creek, custards, Dave, Denita Blankenship, desk, Diamond School, dinner, dish pan, dolls, Dolly, East End School, education, Effie, electricity, factory, Family/People, fire, Florida, flower, food, fox and the goose, Frank Sinatra, fried potatoes, G. I. Joe, garden, garments, Garneth Havens, Grand Ol’ Oprey, grandpa Hall (Joe), Graton, groceries, Hardwood place, hatchet, hide-and-go-seek, holidays, house, Huntington, Icem, infant clothes, Jack, Jan, Jay Fred’s store, Jean Autry, jelly, Jew, Jimmy Dickens., Joe, Kate, Kate Long, kettles, kitchen, lard, Laura, Leonard, Lonzo, Lula Barnette, lumber grader, lunch, Macy Havens, marbles, meal, meals, men’s shirts, milk, Minnie Pearl, movie, Mr. Garret, Mr. Icem, Mr. Lawrence Lurber, Mr. Risen, Mrs. Havens, Mrs. Peery, music, Nell Katherine, New York, news, Nub, oil lamp, oven, paddle, peanut-butter sandwich, peas, Perry Como, phone, pop, popcorn, porch, pot-bellied stove, potatoes, preacher, radio, railroad ties, Railroad track, Reba, record player, Regina Harmon, restaurant, Rich School, Roanoke Fashion, Robert Hottie, Ronnie, Roy Acuff, Roy Rogers, Ruben, Ruby, Santa Clause, Saw Mill, school house, service, seventh grade, show, shows, Shufflebarger’s Store, Shufflebargers, singer, sink, store, stoves, street, tables, tag, taxes, Tazewell, teachers, television, tomatoes, town, toys, trailer, train, trimming, Trina Jackson, Virginia, wash board, wash dishes, West Graham, West Virginia, Witcher Creek, wood stove, Wytheville
Nancy Payne
Tags: 12/19/96, 1928, 215, Alan Paine, Alice Johnson, Arch Rowe, atomic bomb, Biography, Bland County, chores, Christmas, Coal Mine, court, dates, Family/People, farm, games, garden, Gerald Pain, Germany, Halloween, holidays, house wife, Ivy Johnson, Korean War, Lana Alley, Lana Sue, Larry Paine, Laurel, Lexie Brammer, Marcella Paine, March 20, McDowell, McKinley Paine, movie, Mr. Pain, Nancy Margaret Payne, Nancy Payne, Nancy Rowe, Opal Coleman, Pain, Paine, Pauline Cantrell, Payne, Pearl Harbor, pranks, president, Robert Paine, Robin Payne, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap School, Roosevelt, School, sewing factory, snow, stories, Terry Paine, Three Stooges, toys, Tracy Browning, War, weather