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Elizabeth Bradshaw
Tags: “Trail of Lonesome Pine”, 10/17/98, 228, Aunt Ina, Aunt Ruby, Barry Bradshaw, Biography, Bland County, Bland High School, Bluefield, Bobby Sr., breakfast, Bud Elmor, bus, candy, Charles Havens, Christian life, Christmas, Church, clothes, coal stove, cook stove, cost, creek, Dal Davis, Danny Eugene Bradshaw, dating, David Williams, Depression, dolls, Dorris Bradshaw, Drop the handkerchief, Easter, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Ernest Blankenship, Family/People, farm, fishing, flood, Frank Bradshaw, Frank DeHart, Fred Bradshaw, garden, Grandpa Wright, Grocery store, Henry Sarver, Hollybrook, hop scotch, ice skate, Jimmy Williams, John Harry Bird, Jr., Judy Elmor, Lone Ranger, Lord, Matt Bradshaw, Methodist Church, movies, Myterle Claire Wright, Paul Williams, Pearl Blankenship, presents, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, Preston Williams, Reba Bradshaw, ring around the rosies, Rita Gail Bradshaw, Roger Hart, Ruth Kegley, Sarver’s Store, Sawmill, sleds, snowstorm, swimming, Teddy Bradshaw, Thanksgiving, tree, Uncle Vance, Valentine’s Day, Vietnam War, Virginia Brown, wash dishes, Watergate, West Virginia, Woody Bradshaw, Wordensville, Zane Harvey Williams
L. M. Harless
Tags: 226, 4/20/98, Akers, atomic bomb, ball, Batan, Batan Death March, battery radio, beer, bingo, Bland County, Bluefield, brother, candy, Capefield Battle Hospital, Carbaugh, cattle, CCC, chewing gum, children, chores, Christmas, cigarettes, cook stove, corn, cost, country house, creek, cut wood, Depression, dope, Doug Harless, Egleston, Elbert Minnick, electricity, Everett Harless, feed chickens, Field Theatre, fish, fought, Franklin D. Roosevelt, games, garden, Gary Cooper, Gary Harless, gasoline, George Harless, Germans, Glen Harless, Guam, Halloween, hide and seek, High Point, high school, hogs, holidays, home, horses, housewife, hunt, industry, Iris Harless, Japaneese, Japanesse Concentration Camp, Jeremy Harless, Karen Harless, Korean War, L. M. Harless, Lena Rivers Harless, Luther Harless, Marion Harless, married, meal, meats, miner, movie, movie star, New Deal, Nixon, North Carolina, Novis, Okanawa, Orville Harless, paddles, paling fence, paralyzed, Paul Harless, Pearl Harbor, Philipines, play cards, pop corn balls, president, President Eisenhower, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Truman, PWA, radio, restaurant, Rocky Gap, Roy Harless, Saw Mill, School, school bus, service, set back, Shirley Ann Harless, shoes, shot marbles, sleds, South Gap, Spinner McGhee, Sprucerun, Staffordsville, stock market crash, storms, Sunset Restaurant, switches, teachers, telephone, television, Tilitha Harless, toys, trade., tree, Troutville, Vietnam, Violet Harless, Virginia, wagons, War, Ward Harless, wash dishes, Watergate, wheelchair, Wilburs, winter, wood, World War II, WPA