Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: Basketball
Anne Mercer
Tags: 4-H, 714, 9/6/11, Accountin, Alexander Mercer Peters, Allison Morgan, Angela Rose Mercer, Angie Morgan Mercer, Anne Mercer, Anne Mercer life in Bland County, Basketball, Bastian, Bland County Fair, Bluefield, Chad Peters, Christopher Lee Mercer, East River Mountain, Erica Muncy, FBLA, FCLA, ferris wheel, FFA, Financing, Football, Harma Woodward Jr, Jacob Fulton Mercer, Japanese exchange student, Jerry Lee Mercer, June Rish Woodward, Junko, Laurel, Life in Bland County, Lodge Drive, Radford University, Rocky Gap, Saw Mill, Shelby Morgan, Sheridan Anne Mercer, Suiter, volleyball, WV and VA
Karen Faulkner
Tags: 713, 9/25/11, Basketball, Bland County Fair, Blue Print Cinemas, Bluefield, Chris Seal, Clockedman Wheels, Clover Cafe, Collein Muncy, Craned, Danny Harden, Easter, Erica Muncy, Football, Forth of July, Ida Dillow Havens, Imagine Harden, James Melvin, Karen Faulkner, Karen Faulkner’s life in Bland County., Lauren Faulkner, Life in Bland County, Lindsey Faulkner, Margie Shepherd, Marvin Havens, Norma Gene, Paul Burners, Radford University, Rocko Planes, Roger Faulkner, Ronald Reagan, Sue Cattron, tennis, Terri Lynn, United Methodist Church, VA, Wytheville, Zeal Harden
Meagan Bradshaw
Tags: 711, 9/22/11, Advanced diploma, Basketball, Bland High School, Cluxi, dairy farm, French, German immigrant, gold, Graves, Hollybrook Elementary, homecoming, Hunter Stanley, Indians, Lake Morehead, Latin, Life in Bland County, Meagan Bradshaw, murder, No Business, Richmond, Rockets. Eagles, School rivals, slaves, Wesendonck
Aubrey Gore
Tags: 499, 6/6/06, Aubrey Gore, Basketball, black, Blanche Ferguson, Bland Correctional Center, Bland County, Bluefield, Bluefield State College, bus, CB Sanders, Coal Mines, Craig Sanders, culture, descrimination, Desegregation, Dry Fork, Edna Charelton, Gloria Ferguson, Hector, integration, Intergration, Jessie Charelton, Johnny Ferguson, Martin Luther King, Marvin Times, Matt Ferguson, Nate Gore, Navy, New River Community College, racism, Rocky Gap, Ronny Charelton, School, segregation, Sports, Tazewell, This is an interview with Aubrey Gore about the integration of Bland County., Timothy Charelton, Tommy Ferguson, Tony Sanders, track, Uncle Tom, United Mine Workers Association, UVS, white
Connie T. Cecil
Tags: 1938, 397, 6/10/03, Agnes Saunders, B.B. Saunders, baseball, Basketball, Biographical, Bluefield, Brooklyn, Calloway, Campbell Cecil, Carlotta, CC Camps, Chappell, checkers, Chicago, chores, Christmas, Church, Church of Christ, coal mining, Connie T. Cecil, courting, cut grass, dancing, dating, Della Fergeson, Dewey, Dickie Sessoms, Eastern Parkway, Ed Sullivan, Eisenhower, Elanor Roosevelt, Eli Myhand, Erasmus High School, Erica, farm, fights, Floyd County, Football, Frank Parker, Franklin County, Franklin Roosevelt, garden, gris mill, Halloween, hockey, holidays, home remedies, housewife, Ida Cecil, Ida Saunders, Jackie Robinson, Jersey City, Jesica, Jewell Cecil, Johnson, Kennedy, Kim, Korean War, Kyle, Lee Powell Saunders, Lexington Avenue, Life in Bland County, Lonnie Price Saunders, Manhattan, Marc, May 24, Memorial Day, memories, mental institution, Monica, Moochie, Morstine, Morstine Colclough, movies, Ms.Lewis, New Deal, New Year’s, New York, Newark, Nixon, Octavia, Petersburg, Pitkin Avenue, Postal Service, pranks, President Truman, restaurant, rock battles, Rocky Gap, Sawmill, School, shows, snowball fight, snowstorm, Sports, Tazewell, telephone, television, This is an interview with Connie T. Cecil about his life in Bland County., toys, train set, Veteran, Vietnam War, Virginia, Watergate, Williamsburg, Willie Mays, WWII
Guy Boone
8/30/2011, 360, Alisha Looney(2001) Kristin French (2011), Basketball, Betsy Cochran, Biographical, blizzards, Bluefield bowling alley, Carl Ellis II, Christmas, Clayter lake, coal, Coal Mines, Ellen Macmillan, Falls Mills Christian Church, Fill Chester Mountain, Gel Watson, Guy Boone, Guy Ellis Boone, Halloween, hog killing, holidays, Holly Elizabeth, John Daniels, John L. Young, Life in Bland County, Main Street United Methodist Church, May Ellem Canal, money, Nemours, Pocahontas Ehibition Mines, Pocahontas Temple, President Eisenhower, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, Reda Belcher, Rocky Gap High School, Rocky Gap United Methodist Church, Round Bottom, Sara Lynn, School Pride., snow days, Thanksgiving, This is an interview with Guy Boone about his life in Bland County.
The second interview with Guy Boone is about his career., Watergate, William Chapel Church of Christ, Wolf Creek
Harold Bivens
Tags: 0307, 3/9/00, 307, baseball, Basketball, Biographical, Bland Coal Mines, Bluefeild, Christmas, Cynthia Akers & Kara Perkins, Dry Fork, Fourth of July, Harold Bivens, Life in Bland County, oil, Pearl Harbor, Post Office, School, This is an interview with Harold Bivens about his life in Bland County., Wagner Gym, woodstoves
Lorraine Tolbert
Tags: 256, 9/10/99, Allen Woodyard, Arthur King, Auburn, Barbara Place, Basketball, Bastian, Bill, Bill Monroe, Biology, Bland Correctional Center, Bland High School, Bob, bookkeeping, canning, CCC, Ceres, Charles, Charlie Barbara Farm, Charlie Barbers, Chemistry, chores, Christmas, churning butter, Correctional, creek, Dollins, Dr. Kegley, Dr. Webner, Dublin, Dublin High School, Dublin Theatre, Earl, Edna May, electricity, Elvis, Emeryl, English, Fanning Farm, Farming, FDR, fishing, Florence Gertrude Hamilton Jenning, Fred, games, gardening, GED, George Farris, Georgie Bird, Giles, Grand ‘Ole Opry, Great Depression, Greenville Farm, Hamlen Jenning, heat, Highland, Hoover, Jack King, Jane Stafford, John Wayne, Korean War, Laura Bridges, Life and the Bland County Fair, Lorraine Tolbert, Lou, lunch, Maggie Leona, Margaret Thompson, Martha Pruett, Mary Stuart, Math, Mechanicsburg, Methodist Church, Motten B, Mr. Ed Hamlen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs. Labellops, Mrs. Via, Ms, Ms. Ethel Billops, Ms. Gregory, Ms. Hilly Munsey, Ms. Lydia Stuart, Ms. Meryl Stuart, Ms. Ramsey, National Gypsum, Nellie Live, Orson Willy Jenning, Pearl Harbor, plumbing, President Johnson, President Kennedy, Pulaski, PWA, Radford, Rev. Anderson, Rita Locust, Robbie Morehead, Rocky Gap High School, Roosevelt, rummie, running water, School, Science, Shorthand, snow, stock market, telephone, Thanksgiving, Tommy Dollins, toys, TV, Typing, Walker Creek, Walker School House, Wally Edna Jenning, West Virginia, White Gate, World War I, World War II, WPA, wrestling
Junior Shockley
Tags: 1942, 254, 5/20/99, Adam Akers/Zane Perkins, Aldeman, Austinville, baseball, Basketball, bicycle, Biographical interview conducted with Junior Shockley., Biography, Bird Farm, Bland County, Bobby Bane, boot camp, Buckner’s Bay, buggy, Cambridge Maryland, Carroll County, chores, Christmas, coal heating, Coolidge, country store, dairy farms, Dale Smith Shockley, dates, Debbie Davis, Department of Agriculture, destroyer escort., Dolores Thompson, Dorothy Shaffers Humphry, Easter, electricity, Ellis Alderman, Family/People, Farming, feeding, fire crackers, fishing, floods, Fourth of July, Fredericksburg, games, garden, George Bird, Grayson County, Halloween, highway department, Hillsville, Hillsville Theater, hogs, holidays, honeymoon, Japan, John Smith Shockley, Junior Shockley, King George, lead mines, marbles, Max Meadows, milk cows, movies, Navy, New River, oil lamps, Pacific, pranks, Pulaski Hospital, Rex Morehead, Roosevelt, Roy Rogers, running water, Shockley School, sled, snow storms, Soil Conservation Agent, Spotsylvania, spring, Stafford, Tates, tennis, Texas, toys, Virginia Beach, wagon, Wytheville
Lillias Kidd
Tags: 10/13/98, 229, arithmatic, Basketball, Bastian, Bastian Elementary School, bell, black board, Bland, Bland County, Bland High School, Blane Whirl, Bluefield, Boyscouts, certificate, Christmas, coal, college campus, Community, cooked meals, Dean, death, Depression, diplomas, Doctor Wagner, Dr. Alma Shuffelbarger, Dr. Charles Starks, Dr. Danny Neal, Easter break, education, eleventh, emergency training, entertainments, erasers, exams, excercise, field day, fire, first grade, games, ghost stories, grades, graduation exercises, Gralin Updite, Hady Stowers, Hanes Bruce, hay rides, Hazel Stowers, hikes, holidays, Holly Starks, homemade school bus, ice, iron stove, Jack Kaylor, James Morehead, jobs, kindergarden, Kittylee Morehead, knife, Lillias Kidd, Little Creek, lunches, May, medical doctor, meeting, money, movies, Mr. Gilly, mud, music, Neda Hudson, one room school, Osh Gosh, parents, parties, pay, picnics, plays, primary level, principal, programs, punishment, Radford University, rain, Ralph Kidd, reading, recess, Red Cross, Richmond, Rocky Gap, Ruth Groseclose, School, School Board, Schools, second grade, Senior play, seventh grade, sixth grade, skunk., snow, spelling bees, sports teams, spring, study, substitute teachers, Suiter, Superintendent, tag, Tazewell, Tazewell County, teacher, teacher’s degree, teaching assignment, Thanksgiving, traveling play groups, truck, upper elementary, vall, Virginia, water, weather board, Wisconsin, wood, World War II, writing
Alice Neal Maneval
Tags: 11/14/97, 212, 4-H Camp, Alice Neal Maneval, Basketball, Bell Atlantic Holiday Tournament, Berwick, Beth Dunkenberger, Blue Star Camp, Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bowie State, California, Charlotte, Cheyney State, Clemson, Coach Debbie Ryan, Coach Gary Orr, Coach Joe Sanchez, Coach Rick Cormany, Coverse, Dr. Feliciano Jusay, Duke, Five Star Camp, Florida, Floyd County, Fort Chiswell, Foul Shooting Award, Gino Auriemma, Holly Boone, Hotshot Award, Hustle Award, Iowa Ammana Hawkeye Classic, James Madison University, Jamie, Julie Hull, JuneBug Penn, Kansas, Kathy Havens, Kathy Turner, Linda Moses, Mandy Pauley, Maryland, Milky Way, Mountain Empire District, Mr. Kaylor, N.C. State, North Carolina, Patty Smith, Pennsylvania, Player of the Year, Radford University, Recreation, Rita Hankins, Roanoke College, Rocky Gap Combined School, Rocky Gap United Methodist Church, Rudgers, Santa Clara Pepsi Classic, Sara Boone, Shawsville High School, South Florida Classic, Southwest Missouri State, Sports Illustrated, Stetson Lady Hatter Classic, Tazewell, Tobacco Road Classic, Tracy Kegley, Troy Maneval, University of Tennessee, USA Today, UVA, Wake Forest, WDBJ Channel 7, William and Mary, Wytheville
Reece Tate Bowen; Sr.
Tags: 10/20/95, 121, 1913 Cadillac, A. Lincoln, Ash County, Augusta Military Academy, Basketball, Bastian, Biography, boxcars, Bristol, CCC Camp, Civil War, coal, Depression, diesel engines, drug store, Family/People, Grett Mustard, Henry S. Bowen, Hobo's, Hoover, horse buggies, horseshoes, Huckleberry, Maiden Springs, Mary Ellen Bowen, Mary Mustard, Mary Mustard Bowen, Narrows, NC, Norfolk and Southern, Princeton., Reece Tate Bowen, Reese Bowen, Republican, Rocky Gap, Sarah Burge, Sr., Sr. about his life., Stanton, steam engines, Suitor, T-Model Ford, Tazewell, Teapot Dome Scandal, This is an interview with Reece Tate Bowen, Union Mine Workers of America, VA, Wittens Mills, WWI