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- Tags: Biology
Eunice Childress
Tags: 1/6/00, 292, Bastian, Bastian One Room School, beans, Biographical, Biology, Bland County, blizzard, Blue Grove Inn, CC camp, CCC Camp, Cecille Colley’s Station, Chemistry, chevorlet cars, Churches, Cynthia Akers & Kara Perkins, Eunice Childress, geometry, goverment, Hazel Stowers, Kegley Clinic, Korean War, Life in Bland County, movie, Mrs, Mrs. Ruth Kegley algerbra, Norfolk, PF Shrader, potatoes, President Eisenhower. CC Cap, President Truman, R.E. Kidd, Railroad, rasberry, Sawmill, Science, strawberry patch, T.V., This is an interview with Eunice Childress about her life in Bland County., VA, Virginia Hardwood Lumber Company, winter
Lorraine Tolbert
Tags: 256, 9/10/99, Allen Woodyard, Arthur King, Auburn, Barbara Place, Basketball, Bastian, Bill, Bill Monroe, Biology, Bland Correctional Center, Bland High School, Bob, bookkeeping, canning, CCC, Ceres, Charles, Charlie Barbara Farm, Charlie Barbers, Chemistry, chores, Christmas, churning butter, Correctional, creek, Dollins, Dr. Kegley, Dr. Webner, Dublin, Dublin High School, Dublin Theatre, Earl, Edna May, electricity, Elvis, Emeryl, English, Fanning Farm, Farming, FDR, fishing, Florence Gertrude Hamilton Jenning, Fred, games, gardening, GED, George Farris, Georgie Bird, Giles, Grand ‘Ole Opry, Great Depression, Greenville Farm, Hamlen Jenning, heat, Highland, Hoover, Jack King, Jane Stafford, John Wayne, Korean War, Laura Bridges, Life and the Bland County Fair, Lorraine Tolbert, Lou, lunch, Maggie Leona, Margaret Thompson, Martha Pruett, Mary Stuart, Math, Mechanicsburg, Methodist Church, Motten B, Mr. Ed Hamlen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs. Labellops, Mrs. Via, Ms, Ms. Ethel Billops, Ms. Gregory, Ms. Hilly Munsey, Ms. Lydia Stuart, Ms. Meryl Stuart, Ms. Ramsey, National Gypsum, Nellie Live, Orson Willy Jenning, Pearl Harbor, plumbing, President Johnson, President Kennedy, Pulaski, PWA, Radford, Rev. Anderson, Rita Locust, Robbie Morehead, Rocky Gap High School, Roosevelt, rummie, running water, School, Science, Shorthand, snow, stock market, telephone, Thanksgiving, Tommy Dollins, toys, TV, Typing, Walker Creek, Walker School House, Wally Edna Jenning, West Virginia, White Gate, World War I, World War II, WPA, wrestling