Browse Items (11 total)
- Tags: United States
Jan Long
Tags: 12/15/98, 232, Appalachian Trail, Appalachian Trail Hikers, baby chicks, banjo, bass, Bastian, beans, Bill Erwin, Bluefield, bluegrass, Bruce Shufflebarger, candy, Champagne, cigarettes, conductors, cornbread, diner, dobro, fiddle, food, gas station, Grocery store, guitar, gum, hamburgers, Honey Bees, hot dogs, ice cream, instruments, interstate, Jan Long, Kate Childress, Kidd Brothers grocery store, Levi Long, Lundy Childress, Maine, mandolin, Mexico, Mitch Looney, Mr. Kidd, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Jessie Johnston, musicians, overseas, Parkersburg, Post Office, Postmasters, produce, Railroad, rattlesnake, Sawmill, service station, The Corner Diner, Train Depot, United States, Virginia Hardwood Lumber Company, Virginia Hardwood Mill, world, Zareda Ernest
Tom Hudson
Tags: 12/6/97, 213, Africa, Army, Camship, England, Europe, Filipians, Fort Mead, General Elliot B. Dension, Germans, Hitler Musciliani, Italians, Japanese, Korea, Leigh-Anne Hudson, Leighanne Hudson, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, Pacific, Pearl Harbor, Persian Gulf, Tom Hudson, United States, Vietnam, Virginia, War, World War II, WWII Medals, Wytheville
Verlin Shrader
Tags: 12/18/96, 188, Bland County, Bluefield, Buckhorn Mountain, cattle, Cindy, Darel, Eddie, Farming, fruits, gardening., Korean War, livestock, Lorane Shrader, Patty O'Brien, poultry, Roundbottom Methodist, This is an interview with Verlin Shrader about the land and farming in Bland County., Tonya Shrader, United States, vegetables, Verlin Shrader, Work
Nannie Rose Tiller
Tags: 10/24/96, 185, American Red Cross, Biography, Bishop's Chapel, Blanche Compton, Bland County, Bland County Fair Association., Bloodmoblies, Bluefield Chapter, Board of Supervisors, Bristol, CCC Camps, Cecil Robinette, Christmas, Clark Gable, Clearfork, Cloyd " Boots" Buford Tiller, Cove Creek, D.E. Conley, Easter, Eloise Stowers, Extension Homemakers, Family/People, Floyd County, Georgia, Germans, Grayson County, Great Depression, H.M. Kinser, Halloween, Herbert Hoover, Homemaker's Club, Honakers, Ilene Wagner, Japanese, Jennifer Becher, Jennifer Belcher, Jim Higgenbotham, John Henry Kinser, Korean War, Laura Stimpson, Letty Strauss Higgenbotham, Lois Kinser, Miller Harrison Kinser, Miss Guy Bruce, Nannie Bourne Kinser, Nannie Rose Tiller, National Association of Federal Retirees, National Association of Postmasters Organization, New Deal, Old Bishop Place, President Eisenhower, President Franklin Roosevelt, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Princeton, Regional 30 Area president, Rocky Gap, Senior Citizens, stock market, Sunday School Superintendant, Tazewell County, Thanksgiving, Thirty-Niner's Club, This is an interview with Nannie Rose Tiller about her life., United States, Valentine's Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Watergate, Wolf Creek, Women's Society, WWII
John Thompson
Tags: '39 Chevrolet, 166, 1951 Oldsmobile, 4/30/97, atom bomb, Augusta County Virginia, Betty, Biography, Bland County, Brushy Mountain, California, Ceres, Ceres High School, Chaplin, Christmas, Civil War, entertainment, Eugene Orr, Family/People, Farming, fire department, flooding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fred Simpkins, Gary Cooper, Gayle Matthews, Germans, Goldsboro, Gordon Junior High, Gwen Thompson, Halloween, household chores, Japanese, Jews, John Atwell, John Thompson, Laura Atwell, Laurel Fork Creek, Mangus Lee Thompson, Marion, McDonald Douglas, Mount Vernon High School, Mr. Thomas, Mrs, Mrs. White, Navy, North Carolina, Oldsmobile Star fire '88, Patrick Pace, Pearl Harbor, Poor Valley, Radio Shack, rationing, Robert MacMillan, Rocky Gap, Roger Suda, Russians, Sarah, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, snow storms, South Carolina, Starger, This is an interview with John Thompson about growing up in Washington D.C. and Ceres, Tom and Lily King, United States, victory gardens, Virginia, Virginia., Waddle, Walkers Mountain, Washington D.C., William Thompson, World War II, Wytheville
Juanita Brewer
Tags: "Sonny Boy" Al Jolson, 152, 4/29/96, Alice Coburn Shrader, Amos and Andy, Appalachain Power Company, Aunt Bess, Bill Brewer, Biography, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, Buck Jones, Bunce Brewer, Carroll Store, CCC, Christmas, early transportation, East River Mountain Road, Easter, Family/People, Fibber McGhee and Molly., Ford School Bus, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fred Astaire, Giles, Ginger Rogers, Grandmother Coburn, Hagen Graham, Halloween Carnival, Hitler, Homer Brewer, Honaker's Post Office, Horace H. Brewer, Howard Stowers, Josephine, Juanita Brewer, Korean War, Margie Bumpkin, Megan Freeborn, Mr. Staford, Mrs. Jane, Narrows, Nickatie Shrader, Niday, Pearl Harbor, Ponderosa, President Eisenhower, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, PWA, Randy Brewer, Rocky Gap, Round Bottom, Round Bottom Church, Sally Brewer, T-Model Ford Truck, Tennessee Valley Authority Dam, The Realto, This is an interview with Juanita "Bunce" Brewer about her life in Bland County., United States, Valentine's Day, Virginia, West Virginia, William Clovis Shrader, Wolf Creek, WPA, WWII
Jack Agee
Tags: 148, 3/28/99, a resident of the Pinch Creek section of Bland County., Angela Willams, Anheuser Busch, Barbra, best times, Biographical interview with Jack Agee, Biography, Bland County, Bob Patrick, Boggle Hollow, Brenda, Buick, Christmas, Clark Stowers, Claude Stowers, Cody, Colorado, Corpus Christi, D.C., Dale City, Dale Davis, Dallas, deer hunting, Donald Curr, Dorothy Agee, Easter, Eddison Blankenship’s store, Eleanor Robson, Ethel Phillips, Floyd County, Georgia Mustard, Germany, Giles County, Grundy, Halloween, Havillena pigs, Hollybrook, Jack Agee, James Agee, Jessica, Jr., Kathy, Khruschev, Kimberling Branch, Kimberling Creek, Kimberling Valley, Lauren Faulkner, Lena Burton, Louisiana, Marge Blankenship, Marge Thompson, Marie Groseclose, Marsha, May Day demonstrations, Memorial Day, Mont Miller, Montana, Mrs. Mustard, Mrs. Stewart, Myrtle Stewart, New Orleans, New Year’s Day, North Carolina, old Bland High School, Paul Agee, Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocy Fuel, Pontiac, Portugal, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, Princeton, Reston, Rose Agee, Rossa Smith, Rt. 612, Russians, Slate Creek, Texas, Thanksgiving, United States, Vietnam War, Virginia, Virginia Hardwood, Virginia Stafford, Volkswagen, Wagner Auditorium, Washington, Watergate, West Virginia, Wise County, Wolf Creek, worst times, Wyoming
Fred Saunders/ Estella Saunders
Tags: 134, 5/3/97, Abe Saunders, Andrew Ferguson, Archie Saunders, Biography, Bland County, Bland Courthouse, Bluefield, Bluefield Sanitarium, Brizillea Berguson, Carnelia Ferguson, childhood games, Christianburg High School, Christmas, Civil Rights Movement, Corneal Saunders, dating, Dr. King, Dry Fork, Easter, Elena Ferguson, Eppie Saunders, Estellia Saunders, Evaleen Charlton, Family/People, Flemin Saunders, Floyd, Floyd County, Franklin County, Franklin Roosevelt, Fred Saunders/ Estella Saunders, Freda Scruggs, Gamelia Ferguson, garden, Ida Cecil, Jim Saunders, Kacelia Williams, Kermit Ferguson, Kwusses, Lillies, Lonnie Saunders, MacDaniel Ferguson, Martha Cobbs, Mose Saunders, NAACP, Norfolk, Octavia Tynes, Pal Saunders, President Hoover., Priscilla Ferguson, Pulaski, Raymond Boone, Rev. Boone, Rev. Raymond Boone, Rocky Gap, Roosevelt Ferguson, school life, Social Security, This is a summary of Fred and Estella's childhood and their life together. It also contains short summaries on their family history and the history of the black community on Dry Fork., Tynes Chapel, United States, Vialee Ferguson, Virginia, Virginia Ferguson, West Virginia, Willie Ferguson, Willious, Woodrow Ferguson, Wytheville
Charlotte Shrader
Tags: "the manor place", 0091, 5/28/95, 91, A-Model, Anna Ruth, Arthur J. R. Perkins, Arthur R. Perkins, Asheville, B-2 Bomber, Bastian, Beech Mountain, Bessie Carver, Bessie Emory, Biography, Bland County, Bonnie Faye, Buicks, C.L. Taylor's, Cadillacs, Carroll's, Carter County, Charlotte Shrader, Chevrolet, Christmas, Clark Gable, Clear Fork, Clint Eastwood, Cranberry, Cranberry School, Cubans, Curtis Creek Baptist Church, Curtis Creek Road, Curtis Creek School, Debbie Louise Richardson, Debbie Louisie, Delphina Mae Perkins, Dorothy Evelynn Perkins, Dry Fork, Easter, Family/People, Germans, Grace Montgomery, Halloween, Harlan., Heaton, Heaton School, Honaker Church, Howard's Store, Hugo, Indian Village, Interstate 77, Japanese, Jerry and Retha (kids), Johnny Dan, Kentucky, Lambert's Grocery, Laurel, Mae Perkins, Maxine Loyce, Mitchell County, Mountain Motel, New River, North Carolina, North Gap, Pearl Harbor, President Kennedy, President Roosevelt, Racer Fork, Robert Clarence, Rocky Gap, Roy Rogers, Sadie Jeanette, T-Model, Tennessee, This is an interview with Charlotte Shrader about her life before and after she came to Bland County., United States, Vanrealt, Wizard of Oz, Wolf Creek, WWII
Wylie Akers
Tags: 0050, 2/17/97, 50, Army, atom bomb, Battle of the Bulge, Biography, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, Bluefield Burton, Bluefield Session Door working, Calvin Coolidge, Camp Reynolds, Camp Shanks, Carrol's grocery, CCC, Charles A. Akers, Christmas, Collin's Store, Columbus Lee Akers, Combat infantry, Democrats, Earl Terry Akers, Easter, Ella Lambert, England, Europe, Family/People, Ford, Fort Valvare, Fort Veldare, France, George Patton, Germany, Glass Coast, Grand Ole Opry, Great Depression, Halloween, Helen Morehead, Hitler, Italians., James Bishop, Japenese, Korean War, Laurel, Lone Ranger, Lucille Akers, Luella Akers, Mary Puckett, Matthew Akers, May Lambert, Midwesterners, Mussolini, Nelsey Marie Stowers, New Deal, New York, Pacific, Paso, Pearl Harbor, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, President Truman, PWA, Queen Mary, Republicans, Rocky Gap, Sam Lambert, Sardines Rieland Central Europe, Scotland, stock market crash, Tazewell County, Tea Pot Dome Scandal, This is an interview with Wylie Akers about his life and WWII., United States, Valentine's Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Walter Eugene Akers, Wanda Stowers, Watergate, West Virginia, WPA, WWI, WWII, Wylie Akers, Yankees
Jay Fred Hall; Sr.
Tags: 0027, 27, 3/27/97, Admiral Odendoff, Air Force base, Alkitraz, American flag, American Forces, American GI's, Article of War, atomic bomb, basic training, Bastian, Bland County, Bland High School, California, Canadian border, Charlie Munsey, Chicago, Derrick Hall, Europe, Harry S. Truman, Hawaii, Hiroshima, Hitler, James Quarter, Japan, Japanese, Japanese suicide planes, Jay Fred Hall, kamikaze attacks, Kentucky, Lithuwanian Islands, Maryland, Midwesterners, Mussolini, Nagasaki, New York, New Zealand, North Carolina, Ohio, Okinawa invasion, Pearl Harbor, Pennsylvania, prisoners, Sampson, San Francisco, Senica Lake, South Carolina, South Pacific, Sr., Sr. about World War II., Stubblinsville, submarines, Sunday School, Tennessee, This is an interview with Jay Fred Hall, Tokyo, train, Treasure Island, United States, United States Navy, US Air Force, US LSD 211, US Tennessee, Vice Admiral, Virginia, War, West Virginia, World War II, Yankees, Zamar