Browse Items (725 total)
- Collection: Interviews
Minnie Williams
Tags: 10/23/95, 128, Ada Belle Wright, Ada Viola Wright, Albert Wright, Alvis Edward Wright, Annie Marie Wright, Annie Wright, Azara Ann, Bastian, Betty Belle, Biography, Bland County, Bluefield, Bogle Cemetary, Bristol, Canada, Charles Herbert Wright, Charles M. wright, Charles Monrow, CM Wright, Cora Wright, Crandon, David Oliver Wright, David Wright, DeHart School House, Donald E. Wright, Dr. William McComas, Dr. WM Wright, Earnest Lee Wright, Edna Wright, Edward Jurgan Williams, Edwin Randall, Eilliam Olney Wright, Eisenhower, Eliza Susan wright, Emma, Emma Wright, Ethel Wright, Family/People, Flat Top Mountain, Ford, Francis Wright, francis wright Jr., Frank J. Wright, Frisk, George Wright, Giles County, Great Depression, Grover Cleveland Wright, Hollybrook, Hoover, HowardSarver, Ina Cathleen Wright, Issiah Walter Wright, Jasper, John B. Wright, John bowman, John Emerson, John Watson Chandler, John Wright, Johnson, Joseph Wrighytt, Kennedy, Kimberling, Lee Johnson, Lilla Jane Chandler, Lilly Wright, loettic Stafford, Margaret Elen, Margaret Wright, Marilda J. Ramsey Wright, Mary Jane, Maude Perkins, Mechanicsburg, Milton Stafford Wright, Minnie Williams, Miola May Wright, Morris M. Wright, Mr. Othy Priutt, Mr. William McComas Wright, Myrtle Claire Wright, Nina Jane Wright, Nixon, Oliver Wright, Pearisburg, Rena Cathleen Hall, Robert Lee Wright, Robert William Wright, Rocky Gap, Roosevelt, Ruby Lee Wright, Sarah Ann Bruce, Sarah Bruce, Shady Grove Methodist Church, Shiloh Methodist Church, Susna Bussey Wright, Tennessee., This is an account of Minnie William's life in Hollybrook and Pinch Creek told in her own words., Thomas Wright Jr., Tonya Bradshaw, Truman, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Una Myrtle Wright, Vance Ramsey, Vietnam, Virginia, Watergate, William brown Wright, William Haven Brown Bicy Cecil Stafford, WWI, WWII
Minnie Williams
Tags: 2/15/98, 237, animals, B.A. Smith, Bastian, Bluefield, buggy, Burton, Christmas, Church, courting, Depression, Don, drop the hankerchif, Ed, Ethel Phillips, farm, Flat Top Mountain, games, graduation, Grandfather Wright, Grandpa Williams, hard wood lumber company, Hollybrook, J.D. Halvey, J.D. Harvey, Lester Chandler, Matt Bradshaw, Mechanicsburg, Metty Repass, Minnie Williams, movie, movie house, Mr. Courty Harvey, Mr. D.C. Nunn, Mr. Farlow, Mr. John French, Mr. Port Chelveys, Mr. T.R. Ramsey, Mrs. Oathy Powers, Ms. Marion Rathford, Narrows, Oathy Pruett, oxen, pheasant, Pinch Creek, Princeton, Pulaski, radio, Railroad, recess, Rich Creek, Rocky Gap, School, stores, Tam, teachers, telephone, television, train, wagon, Walkie Talkie, Walter Chandler, Wardensville, West Virginia, Winchester, Wolf Creek
Minnie Wright
Tags: 0086, 5/13/95, 86, Allen Burton, Angela Clark, Bill Gusler, Bland High School, Blue Ridge Supply, Bluefield, Chris, Community, EPA, EPA., Galdys Morehead Burton, Hollybrook, Hollybrook Elementary, Jim Crider, Joy, Kenny, Malcolm Friend, manganese nime, Marie Greever, Mason Burton, Maxwell Wright, Mechanicsburg, Melvin Cox, Mike, Minnie Wright, Mrs. Irene Faulkner, Mrs. Trent's store, Otis Wright, Pearisburg, Pepsi Cola, Pulaski, Russell and Georgia Lee Francis, Terina Ramsey, This is an interview with Minnie Wright about the history of Tony's Grocery in Hollybrook., Tony Wright, Tony's Grocery, VA
Molly Thompson
Tags: 12/29/99, 295, Big Walker Mountain, Biographical, Bland, Bland Co., Carroll Co., Dismal, Erin Thompson & Robbie Morehead, gardening, Giles Co., Grayson Co., King of England, Life in Bland County, Molly Kinley Thompson, Molly Thompson, Point Pleasant, Sky Dusky Hollow, Slide Area, This is an interview with Molly Thompson about her life in Bland County., VPI cave club
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bird
Tags: 0303, 2/28/00, 303, Biographical, cattle, Crandon, Farming, Germans, Great Depression, Jeffrey Johnson & Ryan Leftwich, Kennedy, Life in Bland County, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bird, Nixon, Pearl Harbor, radio, Rocky Gap, This is an interview with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bird about their lives in Bland County., Vietnam War, Watergate, World War II
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Robert Walker
Tags: 10/27/95, 127, Amy Kitts, Annie, Army, Aunt Florence, Bastian, Baz Havens, Biography, Bland, Bland County Supply, Bland Fair, Blessing Brothers, Bluebird Inn, Bluefield, Bluefield Produce, Bob Walker, Buick, CCC Camps, Chatham hill, Christmas, Chrysler, Clearfork, David crockett, Debbie j. Walker, Democrat, Democrats, Dora Cotherd Buchanan, Dr. Walker, East River Mountain, Easter, Elizabeth Honaker, emma Walker, EN Shufflebarger, English Lumber Company, Family/People, Florence Buchanan, Ford, Franklin Street, Gib Repass, Greyhound Bus, Gross Bridge, Guy Gruce, Halloween, Hicksville, Highway 21, Hogback, Holston Railroad, Hoover, Hoover Depression, Huddlely, Hunting Camp, Indian Village, Interstate 77, Iron Mountain, J. Harmon, j.S. Neal, Jack Buchanan, James Walker, Jasper Robert Walker, Jimmy Walker, Johnson Walker, JP Hurley, Judy Walker, Kennedy, Kimberling, Korean War, Kroger Grocery and Bagging Company, Laurel, Lauren Kitts, Lease and McVitty, Lois Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Robert Walker, Narrows, Nellie Childress, New Riber, Ocie Walker, Pocahontas Lnad Company, Raleigh Grayson Turnpike, Republicans, Rocky Gap, Rosie Pruett, Rosie Rasnake, Round Mountain, Sidney Neal Walker, Smyth County., Steele, Suiter, Tazewell, This is an interview with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Robert Walker about their lives., Thomas Jefferson Neal, Tom Andrews, Tyler Kidd, Vietnam, Virginia, Virginia Hardwood Lumber Company, Wallace Bruce, Wolf Creek, Woodrow Walker, WWI, WWII, Wyrick Trail, Wytheville
Mr. Bob Correll
Tags: 182, 3/5/96, Atlantic City, Baltimore Colts, Bland County, Bob Hope, Bringing the band back to Bland County, Broadway show, Carowinds, Christmas parade, concert, Concord College, Europe, Florida, Forbush, George Wythe, Greenbrier, Homestead, Hotel Roanoke, JMU, London, Louis Armstrong., Macies Thanksgiving Day Parade, Maureen McGovern, Melissa Leedy, Misc., Mr. Bob Correll, Mt. Airy, Myrtle Beach, Nashville, New York Giants, North Carolina, Patrick County, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Eagles, Ray Bolger, Roby, Rocky Gap VFW, Smothers Brothers, This is an interview with Mr. Correll about bringing the band back to Bland County., Wytheville, York
Mrs. Jeanie Gore
Tags: 1/13/02, 1930’s, 359, Barry, Biographical, Bland High School, Bluefield West Virginia, Burkes Garden, Burkes Garden High School, Ceres, cheese, Cow Milking, dairy farm, Davis Pruett, Frasier, garden, Great Depression, Hugh and Sadie Akers, Hunting, Jean Lambert, Lambert, Levi Shuy, Life in Bland County, Mamie Neal, Morton, Mrs. Jeanie Gore, outhouse, Pearl Harbor, Pete Newberry, Shakespeare, Tazewell County, Terrence Gore, This is an interview with Mrs. Jeanie Gore about her life in Bland County., Wagner Auditorium, Woodrow Boone, World War II, Wytheville
Myrtle Gillespie
Tags: 160, 4/30/96, Acheson Harden Company, Bill Gillespie, Biography, Bland County, Bland Street, Bluefield, Bluefield Milling Company, Calvin Coolidge, Colon Gillespie, Crescie's, Delaware, Easter, Eileen Steele, Family/People, George W. Steele, Grand Ole Opry, Graton, Great Depression, Hancock School, Harding, Harding Street, Joe Gillespie, John Steele, Johnson, Justice of the Peace, Linda Gillespie, Madge Steele, Mercer County, Miss Grant, Miss Vinnetti, Miss Wilson, Myrtle Gillespie, Nancy Gillespie, Paul Steele, Pearl Harbor, Preacher Tolbert, President Kennedy, President Nixon, Princeton, Ramsey School, Ray Steele, Roosevelt, Roscoa H. Gillespie, Steele's Grocery, Stinson School, T-Model Ford, Teapot Dome Scandal, Teresa M. Steele, The Grand Ole Opry, This is an interview with Myrtle Gillespie about her life., Truman, Vietnam War., Violet Steele, Virginia, Watergate, West Virginia, Withie Bishop, WWI
Naeko Isagawa Keene
Tags: 0088, 5/18/95, 88, Americans, Armateous, Bhudda, Biography, Daniel Clark, Dismal, Family/People, Fujiko, Fushime, God, Grundy Hospital, Grundy San Francisco, Guam, Japan, Miyoko, Naeko Isagawa Keene, New Jersey, Okinawa, Pacific Islands, Robert Daniel Keen, Saipan, Sasishe, Sayee, sun god, Tanira, This is an interview with Naeko Isagawa Keen about her life. She was raised on Okinawa and survived World War II. She married an American GI., Usako, Virginia., World War II
Nancy Payne
Tags: 12/19/96, 1928, 215, Alan Paine, Alice Johnson, Arch Rowe, atomic bomb, Biography, Bland County, chores, Christmas, Coal Mine, court, dates, Family/People, farm, games, garden, Gerald Pain, Germany, Halloween, holidays, house wife, Ivy Johnson, Korean War, Lana Alley, Lana Sue, Larry Paine, Laurel, Lexie Brammer, Marcella Paine, March 20, McDowell, McKinley Paine, movie, Mr. Pain, Nancy Margaret Payne, Nancy Payne, Nancy Rowe, Opal Coleman, Pain, Paine, Pauline Cantrell, Payne, Pearl Harbor, pranks, president, Robert Paine, Robin Payne, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap School, Roosevelt, School, sewing factory, snow, stories, Terry Paine, Three Stooges, toys, Tracy Browning, War, weather
Nancy Tate
Tags: 258, 9/11/99, AFC office, and working for the Post Office., bars, Bastian, Big Walker, Bland, Bland County Fair, Bland Messanger, Bland Post Office, Bluefield, Bob Davis, Bobby Newberry, Brushy, Cawana’s Club, Clearfork, clerk for Draft Board, Cloyd’s Mountain, Colonial Fields, courthouse, deferment, discrimination against blacks, Dr. Kegley, Draft Board, East River, Ed, Elmo Silo, exhibits, FFA, fights, Frankie Newberry, grouse, Henry Ratcliff, horses, Hunting, John Dodson, John Dodson and Robbie Morehead, Koren War, Life and the Bland County Fair, Mig Hoges, Miss. Repass, Moorehead’s, Mr. Gilley, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Roy Kidd, Nancy Tate, NAPA, Ohio, Pierce Kegley, Post Master, quail, Richardsons, rides, Roanoke, Robbie Morehead, Social Services, Suzanne, Tech, Ted, This is an inteview with Nancy Tate. She talks about life in Bland, Vietnam War, Washington County, West Virginia, working for the Draft Board, Wright’s, Wytheville, Yonce’s
Nannie Rose Tiller
Tags: 0013, 13, 3/1/94, Bastain, Bluefield, Clear Fork, Community, Conley Store, Deliveries, Elias Stowers, History of the Rocky Gap Post Office, Honaker Store, Masonic Lodge, Mr. John Lambert, Nannie Rose Tiller, Narrows, Post Office Procedures, Postmasters, Rocky Gap., State Convention, Tammy Caudill, This is an interview with Nannie Rose Tiller (retired postmaster: 1944-1981) about the Rocky Gap Post Office., VA, Wolf Creek, Wytheville
Nannie Rose Tiller
Tags: 0054, 11/4/94, 54, Benton Stowers, Bishop Chapel, Buford Tiller, Calvary, Camp Laurel, Charles Jarrell, Children HOme Society, Churches, Clearfork Road, Community Fund, Dr. Neighbors, Educational Building, Espirit League, George Guy, George VanBlaricom, Green Valley, Harry Byrd, Henry Gibson, Herbert Stowers, Jerry Hunt, Kinser Chapel, Lee Ellis, Lester Thompson, Marion Thompson, Mason Stowers, Mavis Davis, Methodist Church, Mount Nebo, Nannie Rose Tiller, New Hope, Pine Grove, Red Cross, Reverend Groves, Richard Hamlin, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap Charge., Rocky Gap Untited Methodist Chruch, Round Bottom, S.E. Stimpson, Shelb's College, Suiter, Sunny Point, Sunny Point Church, The Harvester, This is an interview wtih Nannie Rose Tiller about the history of the Sunny Point Church., Women Society Christian Servicer, Youth League
Nannie Rose Tiller
Tags: 0077, 1/9/95, 77, Akers Garage, Amie Lee, Andrew Ferguson, Bank of Bland, Black and White Inn, Bland cemetary, Bland County, Bluefield, Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bonny French, Buckhorn, Caroll's Grocery, Civil War, Clear Fork, Clear Fork Nebo, Community, Comptons., Conley Merchandise, Cove Hollow, D.C., Dentist, Dr. J. Davidson, Dry Fork Valley, East River Metal and American Mines, East River Mountain, East River Tunnel, Eastern Star, Elbert Munsey, Elizabeth Rotchen, english Ott Lumber Company, Extension Home-Makers of the County, filling station, Fisher & Bell Flooring Plant, Frank Tanning, Govenor Charles Robb, Granton, Greenawalt Antique Shop, Henry Gibson House, Hollow Ford Bridge, Honaker Church, Honaker Mercantile, Howard Stowers, I 77, J.D. Honaker, Jerry Stowers, Jery clark, John Lambert, Laurel, Laurel Fork Baptist, Laurel Valley, Leverete Trumpo, Mack Koewin, Marlene Havens, Masonic Lodge, Mercer County, Methodist Church, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Tickle, Nannie Rose Tiller, Narrows, New York, North Gap, North Gap Grocery, Palmer Carrol, Peggy Trump, Pentecostal Holiness Church, Pete Summs, Pounding Mill Quarry, Railroad, Raleigh Grayson Turnpike, Rich Mountain, Rock Quarry, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap Knitting Company, Rt 21-52, Scotty DeHart, SDE Conley, Sears and Roebuck Catalog, Service's Station, Seventh Day Adventist, South Gap, Southwest of Roanoke, State Government, Stower's Groceries, Sutphin, Taylor Grocery, Terry Holler, Terry Springs, The History of Rocky Gap, This is an interview with Nannie Rose Tiller about the history of Rocky Gap., Tiller's Gulf, Washington, Wolf Creek, Wythe County
Nannie Rose Tiller
Tags: 10/24/96, 185, American Red Cross, Biography, Bishop's Chapel, Blanche Compton, Bland County, Bland County Fair Association., Bloodmoblies, Bluefield Chapter, Board of Supervisors, Bristol, CCC Camps, Cecil Robinette, Christmas, Clark Gable, Clearfork, Cloyd " Boots" Buford Tiller, Cove Creek, D.E. Conley, Easter, Eloise Stowers, Extension Homemakers, Family/People, Floyd County, Georgia, Germans, Grayson County, Great Depression, H.M. Kinser, Halloween, Herbert Hoover, Homemaker's Club, Honakers, Ilene Wagner, Japanese, Jennifer Becher, Jennifer Belcher, Jim Higgenbotham, John Henry Kinser, Korean War, Laura Stimpson, Letty Strauss Higgenbotham, Lois Kinser, Miller Harrison Kinser, Miss Guy Bruce, Nannie Bourne Kinser, Nannie Rose Tiller, National Association of Federal Retirees, National Association of Postmasters Organization, New Deal, Old Bishop Place, President Eisenhower, President Franklin Roosevelt, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Princeton, Regional 30 Area president, Rocky Gap, Senior Citizens, stock market, Sunday School Superintendant, Tazewell County, Thanksgiving, Thirty-Niner's Club, This is an interview with Nannie Rose Tiller about her life., United States, Valentine's Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Watergate, Wolf Creek, Women's Society, WWII
Nannie Rose Tiller/Virgie Ellen Puckett/Levi Harrison Sands/Jean Winiford Sands/James Richard Neal/Annie French Neal/Raymond Fritz Stowers/Ora Gray Stowers/Ronnie Jackson/Diane Jackson
0038, 02/26/1994
03/06/1994, 02/26/1994
03/06/1994, 38, Alexander Suiter, and Diane Jackson about the history of the Honaker Church., Anne Honaker, Annie Neal, Bethany United Methodist Church, Bishops Chapel, Bland County Courthouse, Bland County School Board, Bland Mission, Bluefield, Bob Harris, Brother Lesley, Brown, Buddy Anderson, Butler, BYU, C.A. Pangle, C.N. Pemberton, Calvary, Camp road, Ceres, Charlie Hancock, Churches, Civil War, Clearfork Baptist Church, Conrad Tuggle, Daniel, Davis, Ed Lemmon, Edward Wilson, Elizabeth Tuggle, Elosie Honaker, Epworth League, Ernest Blankenship, Faye Lawson, Forbes, Green Valley, Henry Bird, Holly Boone, Homecoming Day, Homecomings, Honaker Chapel, Interstate 77, J.C. Honaker, J.D. Honaker, J.H. Bird, J.J. Bird, James C. Davidson, Jancie Andrews, Jean Sands, John Carpenter, John Goolman Davidson, John Lambert Rev. Wyatt, John P. Lambert, Julia H. Davidson, Julie Lundy, K. Tiller, Kathleen Rucker, Kinser's, Laurel, Laurel Fork, Laymen's Club, Lee Nelson, Levi Sands, Luna French, MACC, Mary Goodman, Methodist Episcopal Church, Mitchell, Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Spence, Mrs. Anna Graves, Mrs. B.E. Conley, Mrs. C.B. Foglesong, Mrs. C.N. Pemberton, Mrs. Edna Lambert, Mrs. John Lambert, Mrs. Pemberton, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Spence, Myrel French, Nannie Jarrell, Nannie Rose, Nannie Rose Tiller/Virgie Ellen Puckett/Levi Harrison Sands/Jean Winiford Sands/James Richard Neal/Annie French Neal/Raymond Fritz Stowers/Ora Gray Stowers/Ronnie Jackson/Diane Jackson, Nebo, offices, Old Bird Place., Ollie Mae Gregory, Ora Gray Stowers, Pearl Blankenship Connie Blankenship, Pete Sands, Peter C. Honaker, Pine Grove, Prayer breakfast, Preacher Forbes, Princeton, PTA, Raleigh Grayson Turnpike, Ray Davis, Raymond French, Raymond L. Booze, Raymond Stowers, Recording Secretary, Rev. C.W. Stone, Rev. Alton Jessee, Rev. E.G. Smith, Rev. James Allen, Rev. James Hudsteth, Rev. Lawrence Harrison, Rev. N.B. Phillips, Rev. R.T. Newton, Rev. Tilson, Richard Hamblin, Richard Lawson, Richard Neal, Robert W. Davidson, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap High School, Ronnie Jackson, Round Bottom, S.E. Stinson, school house road, Sunday School, Sunny Point, Sunny Point Church, Susie Gross, Sutphin's, The History of the Honaker Church, This is an interview with Nannie Rose Tiller, Tilson, UMU, UMW, Virgie Puckett, weddings, William H. Gibson, WMU, Wolf Creek, Women's Society of Christian Services