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- Tags: 0091
Charlotte Shrader
Tags: "the manor place", 0091, 5/28/95, 91, A-Model, Anna Ruth, Arthur J. R. Perkins, Arthur R. Perkins, Asheville, B-2 Bomber, Bastian, Beech Mountain, Bessie Carver, Bessie Emory, Biography, Bland County, Bonnie Faye, Buicks, C.L. Taylor's, Cadillacs, Carroll's, Carter County, Charlotte Shrader, Chevrolet, Christmas, Clark Gable, Clear Fork, Clint Eastwood, Cranberry, Cranberry School, Cubans, Curtis Creek Baptist Church, Curtis Creek Road, Curtis Creek School, Debbie Louise Richardson, Debbie Louisie, Delphina Mae Perkins, Dorothy Evelynn Perkins, Dry Fork, Easter, Family/People, Germans, Grace Montgomery, Halloween, Harlan., Heaton, Heaton School, Honaker Church, Howard's Store, Hugo, Indian Village, Interstate 77, Japanese, Jerry and Retha (kids), Johnny Dan, Kentucky, Lambert's Grocery, Laurel, Mae Perkins, Maxine Loyce, Mitchell County, Mountain Motel, New River, North Carolina, North Gap, Pearl Harbor, President Kennedy, President Roosevelt, Racer Fork, Robert Clarence, Rocky Gap, Roy Rogers, Sadie Jeanette, T-Model, Tennessee, This is an interview with Charlotte Shrader about her life before and after she came to Bland County., United States, Vanrealt, Wizard of Oz, Wolf Creek, WWII