Browse Items (725 total)
- Collection: Interviews
Nate Charleton
Tags: 214, 3/15/98, AME Zion Church, Andrew Boyd, Austria, Bastian, Bed Check Charlie, Billy French, Billy Lockhart, Biography, Bland, Bluefield, Bonnie Dodson, Boston, Caldwell’s, California, CCC Camp, Cecil Charlton, Cecil Webb, Dave Terrence Tolbert, Deacon’s Board, Doctor Davidson, Dr. Boggle, Dryfork, Elgood, Elizabeth Stevenson Charlton, Eveline Charlton, Family/People, Flordia, France, Honaker’s, John and Bonnie Dodson, John Dodson, Kentucky, Lieutenant Landers, London, Marvin Tynes, Mason French, May Pole, Mr. Gibson, Nate Charleton, Nate Charlton, Noah Charlton, Ohio, Pal Saunders, Paris, Pete Ferguson, Portsmouth, Rhine River, Rocky Gap, Rubin, Sam Webb, Serita Burce, Shoalter, Slaughter’s, Taylors, This is an interview with Nate Charlton about his life., Tiffany Manor, Tolbert’s, Tuggles, Tynes Chapel, Wheeler Boyd, Williamson, Willie Charlton, Yorktown
Nate Charleton
Tags: 11/30/99, 272, Airforce Base, Arch Saunders, Army, Bluefield, Camp Cars, Charles Acres, Community, Dry Fork, E.T. Burton, Florida, Fred Brunalon, Fred Saunders, garden, Greenville, Hogan Ferguson, Jack Tyne, Jessie Pruney, John Dodson, Johnny Sea, Laurel, Life, Logging, Moonshining, Mr. Hunt, Nate Charleton, Norfolk, Old Man Hunt, Portsmouth, Princeton, Prison, Railroad, Rocky Gap, Sack Daddy, Sawmills, South Carolina, Still, Virgina, Washington, Whiteville, Wolf Creek
Nate; Gladys; Evaline Charleton and Violea(Charleton)Ferguson
Tags: 227, 3/28/98, 42, angels, apple wine, Army, Athens, Augusta, Baptist Church, barbershop, baskets, beans, blackberry wine, Bland, blood root, buckets, bunny, burning child, canning, Carla Ferguson, Carol’s, carpenter, CCC Camps, Charlie Roberts, Cherokee, chickens, children, chinquipins, chores, Christian, Christmas programs, Church, Conley’s, cook, cooking, corn wine, costumes, cot, courting, creek, Dandelion wine, dead people, Dismal Creek, Dry Fork, electricity, Evaline Charleton and Violea(Charleton)Ferguson, Family/People, farm, favorite food, ginseng, Gladys, Harriett Elizabeth Charleton, Hills, Hinton, Hoanaker House, Hoanaker’s, hogs, Hollybrook, horses, hospital, huckleberries, jazz, jelly, John and Bonnie Dodson, Johnny Williams, Joseph, Lane Ferguson, Lick Skillet, lighter knots, Log House, lumber, lye soap, Marvin, Marvin Carver, Mary, Methodist Church, mirrors, mountains, Mrs. Granny Woods, Mrs. Jones, Nate, No Business, Noah Charleton, Oliver William Charleton, Pal Saunders, pine knots, plane crash, ploughing, poke sallet, potatoe wine, powerline, pressure can, Priceton, quilting frames Mr. Robertson, radio, rhubard, Richmond, Rocky Gap, Santa Clause, sasafrass, Saunders, School, shepherds, slave, stores, strawberries, strawberry wine, T model four, tea berries, This is an interview with Nate Charleton and his 3 sisters in their home up Dry Fork., train, Tynes Chapel, Victrola, Wansley, water source, weather, Wilderness Road, wise men, Wolf Creek
Nell Kidd
Tags: 11/5/98, 264, Alaska, Albert Dalton, Amos and Andy, Annie Over, Archie Covington, arithmetic, atom bomb, baseball, Bill Leonard, Biography, Bland County, Bob Mittslefelt, Burkes Garden, canning, CCC Camps, Chestnut Grove Christian Church, chores, Christmas, Church, Clearfork, Darrel Kidd, David Scarce, Deavers, Easter, electricity, Ellis Dickens, English, Everett Looney, Family/People, Farming, Finley Dalton, fishing, gardening, Gene Dalton, geography, Germany, Gertrude Dalton, Grapefield Church of God, Grattan, Great Depression, Gunsmoke, Halloween, hide and go seek, history, Holly Smith, Hughe Cox, James Kidd, James Whitten, Japanese, Kenneth Kidd, Korean War, Laramie, LeeRoy Beckner, Leone Dalton, Lum and Abner, marbles, Margaret Hager, Margaret Hallory, Methodist Parsonage, Mickey Kidd, Miss Lou Gillespie, Misty Balas, Misty Balas and Holly Smith, Nancy Dalton, Nancy Kidd, Nell Kidd, Northwest Passage, Ony Dickens, packing lunch, Pearl Harbor, phone, population boom, pranks, Pulaski County, radio, raising children, rations, reading, Richard Kidd, Rocky Gap, Rofus Dalton, Ruby Dalton, Sadam Hussein, Santa Clause, School, sharecropping, sleighing, spelling, Springville, Stanley Dalton, stock market, Sweeney, tag, Tazewell County, Tazewell Road, television, The Gulf War, Valentine’s Day, Wagon Train, Whitten’s Mill, winter, writing, WWI, WWII
Nina Childress
Tags: 10/6/99, 262, 93 years., apple peeling, Bastian, Biographical interview with Mrs. Nina Childress. Mrs. Childress’s has lived in Bland County for her entire life, Biography, Carl Walker, Cecil Hicks, Charles Morehead, Chest Carter, dare base, Family/People, Floyd Childress, Frank McCologon, Henry Childress, Hicksville, Howard Walker, Louise Shrader, Miss. Lineymoo, Nattasha Looney, Nina Childress, Nina Hicks Walker, Nina Hicks Walker Childress, pretty girl station, Russell Childress, scout camp, Shirley Mascara, Sis Darley
Ola Morehead
Tags: 0095, 5/15/95, 606 Wilderness Road, 95, Angela and Keith Conley, baptismal ceremonies, Becky Conley and Michael, Birdie French, Blaire, Bland, Bluefield, Brother Britt, Brother Moore., Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Church of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Wilderness Road, Churches, Danny Short, Donna and Steve Mitchell, Ethie Gilmer, John Stanford, Melanie and Danny Bridges, Melissa Horne, Narrows, Oak Hill, Ola Morehead, Orville DeHart, Paul Lephew, Pembroke, Raven, Ray Woodyard, Rex Morehead's farm, Salem, VA, WV, WVA
Tags: 1. Phil Ramsey, 1996, 22, Andrea Williams., Arnold Clark, Barbara Williams, Bea Clark, Becky Blankenship, Beverly Hickman, both present and past., Chris Williams, Community, Danny Hoosier, David Williams, Debbie Williams, Dee Dee Clark, Dee Dee Hoosier, Dewey Williams, Eugene Williams, Helen Williams, Houses of Mire Branch and Pinch Creek, Hurley Williams, Ina Ramsey, J.D. Clark, Jack Agee, Jack Finley, Jackie Clark, Jan Ramsey, Jane Williams, Jean Williams, John Williams, Judy Clark, Leesa Keene, Linda Bailey, Minnie Williams, Muzelle Helvery. 2. Rick Linkous, Nancy Williams, Nannie Finley, Nathan Hickman, Omit, Pam Stowers, Purchie Helvery, Randall Williams, Randy Williams, Richard Berry, Steve Clark, Teresa Linkous. 3. Buster Stowers, This is a book of pictures of the homes on Pinch Creek and Mire Branch and a listing of the owners, Tim Bailey, Tim Williams, Tom Wren, Travis Keene, Vance Ramsey, William Keene
Ora Gray Stowers
Tags: 0029, 11/12/93, 29, 4-H, Bland, Bland Courthouse, Camp Obediah, Ceres, Christmas, Civil War, Clubs, East River Mountain, Field Trips, first school bus, grading system, Hollybrook, Laurel Creek., Marion, Mechanicsburg, Mr. Malery, New Years Day, Old One Room School Houses, Ora Gray Stowers, Princeton, Radford College, Rocky Gap, SCA, school events, school materials, school staff, school subjects, Schools, Smith County, Sports, Tammy Caudill, This is an interview with Ora Gray Stowers about the old one room school houses in Rocky Gap., VA, Virginia, Wolfcreek
Otho Looney
Tags: 1/27/98, 167, Biography, Bland County, Buchanon County, Bula Stowers, Courtney Brizendine, Cynthia Kidd, Edna, Elma Ruth, Everett, Family/People, Farming, garden, Grapefield, Grapefield School, Harry Foglesong, Hick Looney, Lena Looney, Levica Looney, Mrs., Otho Looney, Paris Looney, Rocky Gap, Sidney Kidd, This is an interview with Otho Looney all about his life.
Pamela Stowers
Tags: 4/24/08, 524, Biographic, Bryan Myers, Pamela Stowers
Pansy Ball
Tags: 12/15/95, 138, Albert Sarver, Biography, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, Brian Ball, CCC, Cherokee Indian, Clara King, Clarence Sarver, Clark, Clyde Sarver, Conley, Craig County, Dave Conley, Dory Skeenes, Dutch, Edith Payne, Elizabeth Allen, Family/People, Floyd Sarver, Franklin Roosevelt, Geleva Bell Clark, German, Giles Sarver, Glen Ball, Great Depression, Hazel Stowers, Honaker's, Japanese, John William Sarver, Korean War, Lawrence and the wrestler, Methodist Church, Narrows, North Carolina, Old Dirt Road, Pansy Ball, Pat Nelson, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Patterson, Phyllis Umbarger, President Calvin Coolidge, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Truman, Pulaski, PWA, Randy and Larry, Rev. Parks, Rocky Gap, Rosie Gordon, Round Bottom, Sherri, St. Lukes, This is an interview with Pansy Ball about her life., White House., Wolf Creek, WPA, WWI, WWII, Wytheville
Pansy Ball
Tags: 150, 4/5/96, Adolph Hitler, Bastian, Biography, black market, Bland County, Bland High School, Bluefield, Brian Payne, Brown Field, Cabit, Canada, CCC Camp, Cherokee Indian, Clear Fork, Clyde Sarver, Converse., Dave Conley, Dummy Burse, Dutch Irish, Dyst Bowl, East River Mountain, Elizabeth Tolliver, F4UI fighter planes, Family/People, FDR, Fredericksburg, George Washington, Germans, Glenn Hare, Grand Ole Opry, Grandpa Jones, Great Depression, Idnell Lambert, John Lambert, Katharine Mercer, KKK, Lone Ranger, Lucille Mercer, Mack Wiseman, Minnie Pearl, Model-T Ford, Montgomery Ward's, Mr. Coburn, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Gregory's store, Narrows, Nashville, New Deal, Nickelodeon, Nike, North Carolina, Pansy Ball, Pearl Harbor, Pulaski, PWA, Quantico, Quantico Base, Ralph Graves, Rocky Gap, Rocky Gap High School, Ruby Shrader, Sears Catalog, Silby Conley, Snowball, Suitor, This is an interview with Pansy Ball about her life in Bland County., Turner Field, VE Day, Virginia, West Virginia, Wolf Creek, WPA, WWII
Paul Crabtree
Tags: 10/14/98, 195, Ade Muster, Bane Crabtree, Bethany Church, Biography, Black Lick, Bland County, Brew, Brown Bevel, Bud Bruce, Burkes Garden, called "A Conversation With the Past"., Ceres, Ceres High School, Ceres Store, Charlie Compton, Christmas, Clear Creek, Compton Mines, Coon Hunter's Association., Crawfish, Creek Road, Davis, Doctor Griner, Dr. Wooline, Family/People, FHA, Foglesong Valley, Groseclose, Holston River, Howell, Hubble, Indian Tales, Joe Foglesong, John Hudson, Little Chapel, Louise Compton, lumber company, Lutheran Chruch, Mabel Groseclose, Mandy Spangler, Mason Lodge, Mr. Groseclose, Nebo, Nell Hudson, Newberry, North Fork, Old Fellows Lodge, Paul Crabtree, Peery Groseclose, Peter Spangler, Phillip Leonard, Poor Valley Road, Pulaski, Robert Paul Crabtree, Rural Retreat, Saltville, Sharon College, Sluss Massacre, Smyth County, Soap Creek, Spangler Fort, Stoney Fork, T-Model Ford, Tazewell County, Tazewell Street, This is one of a series of interviews done by a Radford University student, Umbarger, Waddells, Walker Mountain, Walking Jim Lambert, William Compton, World War I, Wythe County, Wytheville
Pauletta B. Montalva
Tags: 515, 7-Oct-07, Grace’s Short Corner Grill, Grace’s Short Corner grill was a small restaurante on East River Mountain. It served all the locals breakfast, Kris Kennedy, lunch and dinner. It also served people traveling. It was a woderful litte restaurante and place to hang out and drink a cup of coffee., Old Restaurante, Pauletta B. Montalva
Pearl Shawver
Tags: 0090, 5/26/95, 90, Andrea Bruffey, atomic bomb, Bible, Biography, Bluefield, Bluefield Hospital, Bluefield-Tazewell Road, Bluestone, CCC, Christian College in North Carolina, Christmas, Doris Day, East River Mountain, electricity, Family/People, flappers, Graham High School, Great Depression, Halloween, Hillsboro, log cabin, Pearl Shawver, Piggly Wiggly, President Coolidge, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, PWA, rationing, Roanoke Memorial, Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Rocky Gap, Santa Claus, Shawver Store, stock market crash, telephones, television, This is an interview with Pearl Shawver about her life., VA, Vietnam War, Vivien, Watergate, White House., WPA, WV, WWI
Pearl Shawver
Tags: 0114, 10/30/95, 114, Biography, Bluefield, Bluestone, Christiansburg, Elkhorn, Eunice Lambert, Family/People, Graham, Hillsboro, Nick Bruffey, Pearl Shawver, Pricey Waterhouse., Robert Thomas, Rocky Gap, Sally Creig, Shawver's Store, Tazewell, This is an interview with Pearl Shawver about her life., Vivian, William B. Mitchem, William B. Yost, World War I, World War II, WV