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- Tags: Mary
Nate; Gladys; Evaline Charleton and Violea(Charleton)Ferguson
Tags: 227, 3/28/98, 42, angels, apple wine, Army, Athens, Augusta, Baptist Church, barbershop, baskets, beans, blackberry wine, Bland, blood root, buckets, bunny, burning child, canning, Carla Ferguson, Carol’s, carpenter, CCC Camps, Charlie Roberts, Cherokee, chickens, children, chinquipins, chores, Christian, Christmas programs, Church, Conley’s, cook, cooking, corn wine, costumes, cot, courting, creek, Dandelion wine, dead people, Dismal Creek, Dry Fork, electricity, Evaline Charleton and Violea(Charleton)Ferguson, Family/People, farm, favorite food, ginseng, Gladys, Harriett Elizabeth Charleton, Hills, Hinton, Hoanaker House, Hoanaker’s, hogs, Hollybrook, horses, hospital, huckleberries, jazz, jelly, John and Bonnie Dodson, Johnny Williams, Joseph, Lane Ferguson, Lick Skillet, lighter knots, Log House, lumber, lye soap, Marvin, Marvin Carver, Mary, Methodist Church, mirrors, mountains, Mrs. Granny Woods, Mrs. Jones, Nate, No Business, Noah Charleton, Oliver William Charleton, Pal Saunders, pine knots, plane crash, ploughing, poke sallet, potatoe wine, powerline, pressure can, Priceton, quilting frames Mr. Robertson, radio, rhubard, Richmond, Rocky Gap, Santa Clause, sasafrass, Saunders, School, shepherds, slave, stores, strawberries, strawberry wine, T model four, tea berries, This is an interview with Nate Charleton and his 3 sisters in their home up Dry Fork., train, Tynes Chapel, Victrola, Wansley, water source, weather, Wilderness Road, wise men, Wolf Creek
Roy Dillow
Tags: 10/29/96, 180, Africa, Andrew, Angela, Annie, atomic bomb, Biography, Bland County, Bluefield, CCC Camp, Ceres, Christmas, Conley, Conley Twigg Dillow, D-Day, Deborah, Della Elizabeth Tickle, Democrats, Diana Huddle, English Channel, Europe, Family/People, France, Franklin Roosevelt, German, Gleaves, Great Depression, Greenhill, Groucho Marx, Guy, Halloween, J.T. Dunn, Jackie Gleason Show, Japanese, Korean War, Kristen Bradshaw, Liberty School, Linda, Lucille Foglesong, Mary, Mennis, Myrtle Stuart, Navy, New Deal, Pacific, Pearl Harbor, Philippine Islands, President Calvin Coolidge, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Truman, Republicans, Rhonda, Rocky Gap, Roy Dillow, San Francisco, Teapot Dome Scandal, This is an interview with Roy Dillow about his life., Thurleen, Tula Stowers, Valentines Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Watergate., WWI, WWII, Wytheville