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- Tags: Fort Benning
Tim Wyatt
Tags: 0117, 10/15/95, 117, Acme Grocery, Alaska, Armed Services, Bluefield Drive-in, Bluefield State College, Bob Hope., Charleston, checks, Chinese, Cincinnati, Detroit, Fort Benning, Fort Cellar, Fort Knox, Fort Linnorwood, Hawaii, helicopter crash, Japan, KY, Lai Khe, Mercer County, MO, Monks, Morale, New England, OK, recruits, Russians, Saigon, San Fransisco, South Vietnam, This is an interview with Tim Wyatt about his life and experiences in the Vietnam War., Thom Sham UK air force and army base, Thom Shan, Tim Wyatt, UK Air Force, USO, Vicki Wyatt, Vietnam, Vietnam War, VMI, War, West Virginia
Thurman Conley
Tags: 0071, 147th Infantry, 1st Lt. Vannas E. Smith.., 4/15/95, 71, AL., Alric Chapman, B-29, Camikaze, Captain Walter Tymnial, Captian James C. Griffin, Celanease, Emiruau Island, England, Fort Benning, Fort Bragg, Fort McClellen, GA., General John W. O'Daniel, Guadalcanal, Hiroshima, Hitler, Huntington, James Betz, Liverpool, Lt. Col. Paul F. Smith, Marshall Islands, Mayberry Railroad Company, Mussolinni, Nancy Conley, Narrows, NC., New Cauldonia, Niday, Okinawa, Oppie T. Conley, Pearl Harbor, Siapan, Somera Island, This is an interview with Thurman Conley about his experience during World War II., Thurman Conley, Tokyo, U.S.S. General John Pope, Va., War, World War II, Wytheville