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- Tags: Halloween
Florence Ruby Stowers
Tags: 0057, 4/15/97, 57, Biography, Bland County, Bluefield, Bristol, Buddy Stowers, Christmas, Clearfork, Family/People, Florence Ruby Stowers, Geneva Stowers, Germans, Halloween, Hareless Stowers, Japanese, Jim Nunn, Judy Stowers, Julie Parnell, Korean War, Leonard Stowers, Newton James Wiley, Pearl Harbor, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, Rocky Gap, Roy Kidd, Sally Wiley, Sunset Restuarant, This is an interview with Florence Ruby Stowers about her life., Watergate., West Virginia, WWI, WWII
Wylie Akers
Tags: 0050, 2/17/97, 50, Army, atom bomb, Battle of the Bulge, Biography, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, Bluefield Burton, Bluefield Session Door working, Calvin Coolidge, Camp Reynolds, Camp Shanks, Carrol's grocery, CCC, Charles A. Akers, Christmas, Collin's Store, Columbus Lee Akers, Combat infantry, Democrats, Earl Terry Akers, Easter, Ella Lambert, England, Europe, Family/People, Ford, Fort Valvare, Fort Veldare, France, George Patton, Germany, Glass Coast, Grand Ole Opry, Great Depression, Halloween, Helen Morehead, Hitler, Italians., James Bishop, Japenese, Korean War, Laurel, Lone Ranger, Lucille Akers, Luella Akers, Mary Puckett, Matthew Akers, May Lambert, Midwesterners, Mussolini, Nelsey Marie Stowers, New Deal, New York, Pacific, Paso, Pearl Harbor, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, President Truman, PWA, Queen Mary, Republicans, Rocky Gap, Sam Lambert, Sardines Rieland Central Europe, Scotland, stock market crash, Tazewell County, Tea Pot Dome Scandal, This is an interview with Wylie Akers about his life and WWII., United States, Valentine's Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Walter Eugene Akers, Wanda Stowers, Watergate, West Virginia, WPA, WWI, WWII, Wylie Akers, Yankees