Browse Items (56 total)
- Tags: Vietnam War
Kate Thompson
Tags: 0105, 10/29/97, 105, Alfred Andrew Thompson, atom bomb, Biography, Bland County, Bland County schools, Bland Street, Bluefield, Bluefield Sanitarium, CCC Camp, Central School, Christmas, Clarence Wooldrige, Davis Munsey, Doctor William Spiero, Eddie Edith, Egypt, Ethyl Blythe, Family/People, First National Bank, Franklin Roosevelt, Germans, Great Depression, Greta Munsey, Halloween, Japanese, Jenay Thompson, Johnson sisters, Kate Thompson, Kennedy, Korean War, Learners, Maryland, Melissa Leedy, Miss O'Neal, Ms. Scott, New Deal, Ollie Virginia Munsey, Pearl Harbor, President Johnson, President Nixon, President Truman, Presient Eisenhower, Princeton, Ramsey School, Ramsey Street, Reed, Rialto Theater, Roanoke, Rocky Gap, Rogers Street, Shirley Temple, Social Security, Stan Sweet, Stumpy Bottom, Tazewell, This is an interview with Kate Thompson about her life., Vernon Munsey, Vietnam War, Virginia, Wade School, Watergate., West Virginia, William Robert Munsey, Woodrow Munsey, WPA
Jim Beaver
Tags: 0097, 5/22/95, 97, Barbara Hull, Beckley, Charlotte, Chinese prisoner, Daisy Kaiser, Dane, Dickinson County, Fort Knox, Fort Less, General MacArthur, Gladys Beaver, Glen White, Hawaii, Jim Beaver, Korean War, Kuntington, KY, NC, Philadelphia, PN, President Truman, This is an interview with Jim Beaver about his experience in the Korean War., VA, Vietnam War, WA, War, WVA, Yalu River.
Pearl Shawver
Tags: 0090, 5/26/95, 90, Andrea Bruffey, atomic bomb, Bible, Biography, Bluefield, Bluefield Hospital, Bluefield-Tazewell Road, Bluestone, CCC, Christian College in North Carolina, Christmas, Doris Day, East River Mountain, electricity, Family/People, flappers, Graham High School, Great Depression, Halloween, Hillsboro, log cabin, Pearl Shawver, Piggly Wiggly, President Coolidge, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, PWA, rationing, Roanoke Memorial, Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Rocky Gap, Santa Claus, Shawver Store, stock market crash, telephones, television, This is an interview with Pearl Shawver about her life., VA, Vietnam War, Vivien, Watergate, White House., WPA, WV, WWI
Bill Kidd
Tags: 0060, 2/10/97, 3rd Batallion, 3rd Marine division, 60, Alaska, alcohol, Bill Kidd, Blair, booby traps, Camp Geiger, Camp Le June, claymore mine, Dana College, De Nang, Donghall, drugs, fragging, Frapnal, Japan, Kid Carson scouts, leaches, lizards, M-14, M-16, mail service, Michael Kidd, military, monsoon, NCO club, Nebraska, Okinawa, orangatangs, Perris Island, project transition., Quang Tree, Quanson huts, radio operator, Recreation, Sergeant Rupho, Siagon, snakes, South Carolina, The Bush, This is an interview with Bill Kidd about the Vietnam War., United States Marine Corps., USO, Vietnam War, War
Wylie Akers
Tags: 0050, 2/17/97, 50, Army, atom bomb, Battle of the Bulge, Biography, Bland, Bland County, Bluefield, Bluefield Burton, Bluefield Session Door working, Calvin Coolidge, Camp Reynolds, Camp Shanks, Carrol's grocery, CCC, Charles A. Akers, Christmas, Collin's Store, Columbus Lee Akers, Combat infantry, Democrats, Earl Terry Akers, Easter, Ella Lambert, England, Europe, Family/People, Ford, Fort Valvare, Fort Veldare, France, George Patton, Germany, Glass Coast, Grand Ole Opry, Great Depression, Halloween, Helen Morehead, Hitler, Italians., James Bishop, Japenese, Korean War, Laurel, Lone Ranger, Lucille Akers, Luella Akers, Mary Puckett, Matthew Akers, May Lambert, Midwesterners, Mussolini, Nelsey Marie Stowers, New Deal, New York, Pacific, Paso, Pearl Harbor, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, President Eisenhower, President Harding, President Hoover, President Johnson, President Kennedy, President Nixon, President Roosevelt, President Truman, PWA, Queen Mary, Republicans, Rocky Gap, Sam Lambert, Sardines Rieland Central Europe, Scotland, stock market crash, Tazewell County, Tea Pot Dome Scandal, This is an interview with Wylie Akers about his life and WWII., United States, Valentine's Day, Vietnam War, Virginia, Walter Eugene Akers, Wanda Stowers, Watergate, West Virginia, WPA, WWI, WWII, Wylie Akers, Yankees
Susan Larue
Tags: 2/23/02, 43, Ada Cockerham, Alfred Larue, Allie, Biography, Black Oak Mountain, Bluefield, Bristol, Brooks Larue, Christmas, Civil War, Cloverdale School, Dave Lurue, Edna Harmon, Fairview Community Church, Family/People, Garland Larue, George Larue, Glenlyn, Glenwood Park, Grandma Robinette, Grandpa Clyburn, Hardy Place, Jamie, Jesse Larue, Joshua Luther, Josie, Korean War, Larry Cockerham, Littlesburg, Littlesburg School, Lucille Larue, Margaret Johnston Clyburn, Mary Susan Larue, Mercer County, Mercer County Home Demonstration Club, Mrs. Owens, Nannie, Navy, New River., Old Bluff Road, Patty Harmon, Persian Gulf War, Princeton, Reverand Leslie, Rock, Ruby, Russell Johnston, Ruth Larue, Sara Beth French/Mary Ann French, South Pacific, Susan Larue, Tennessee, Thanksgiving, This is an interview with Mary Susan Larue about her life in Bland County., Vietnam War, Virginia, West Virginia, WWI, WWII