Browse Items (733 total)
Charlie Puckett
Tags: 3/18/08, 525, Charlie Puckett, Josh Shrader, Kris Kennedy, Kyle Kennedy, Rocky Gap
Charles Moore
Tags: 255, 9/9/99, Bastian, Big Walker Mountain, Bland, Bland Co., Bland Co. Fair, Bluefield, Brent Moore, Bruce Niece, Bruce’s Station, Bus Line, Campbell City, Ceres, Charles Moore, Chevrolet, Clear Fork, Depression, Dow Davis, Fair interview, General Motors, Grey Hound, Guy Niece, Joe Lambert, John Dodson, Model T, Moore Brothers, Pinch Creek, Red Oak church, Reed Creek, Richmond, South Gap, St. Luke, State Corporation Commission, Stony Fork, Studibaker, Walker Creek, Winston Salem, Work Tickle, Wytheville
Charles L. Honaker
Tags: 10/1/95, 119, Abilene, Bluefield, Charles L. Honaker, Chinese, Crumpecker Hill, David Blankenship, Fort Campbell, Fort Knox, General MacArthur, Georgia, Japan, Korea, Korean War, KY, New York, North Korea, POW., Princeton, Russia, San Fransisco, Seoul, South Korea, This is an interview with Charles L. Honaker about his life and experiences in the Korean War., TX, United States Army, War, Woodrum Roofing & Sheet Metal Company, Yokohoma
Charles Fore
Tags: 2/2/94, 206, Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, Charles Fore, Charlotte., Department of Transportation, East River Mountain Tunnel, Kevin DeHart, Superintendent, The East River Mountain Tunnel, This is an interview with Charles Fore about the history of the East River Mountain Tunnel. First Fire in this tunnel, Tunnels
Charles Clark/ Judy Clark
Tags: 0087, 5/16/95, 87, baptism, Brother Proffitt, Brother Terry, Charles Clark/ Judy Clark, Charleston, Charlie Conley, Charlottesville, Christmas plays, Churches, Daniel Clark, David Johnson, Dedication, Dismal Swamp, Don Johnson, Dr. McConnell, Dublin, E.T. Hall, Easter, God., Hollybrook School House, Holy Ghost, Little Creek Dublin, Mac Hamilton, Mechanicsburg, New River, New Year's Service, North Carolina, Northern Lights, Paul Deaton, Pearisburg, Pumpkin Center, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Richmond, South Carolina, Southeastern Conference of the Apostolic Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, This is a history of the Wilderness Lighthouse Church., Tommy Ramsey, VA, Wallace French, West Virginia, Wilderness Church, Wytheville
Charles Clark
Tags: 0081, 2/4/95, 81, Beatrice Sarver Clark, Bernard Meek Clark, Biography, Charlene Clark, Charles Antony, Charles Clark, Damon Clark, Damon Marshall, Della Clark, Earl DeHart, Family/People, Jack Clark Growing Gardens, Judith Wilma, Kimberly Dennis, Larry Clark, Linda Clark, Mek Clark, Mr. Faulkner, Mr. Updyke, Ms. Mustard, Ms. Ramsey, Patsy Clark, Peggy Clark, Pinch Creek, radio, Ralph Clark, Ray Clark, Sawmills, Shelia Clark, Steve Clark, television., This is an interview with Charles Clark about his life growing up in Bland County., Wayne Clark, Yancy Clark
Charles Bowling/Mary Clemons/Ora Gray Stowers
Tags: 0007, 11/12/93, 7, Ada Road, and Ora Gray Stowers., Bland Street, Bluefield, Bluefield Industrial Park, Brushy Mountain, Charles Bowling/Mary Clemons/Ora Gray Stowers, Charlie Bowling, Charlie Woody, Concert Music World, Cumberland Road, Cumberland Turnpike, Cumberland Turnpike/Raleigh Grayson Turnpike, Deer- Hollowed Fork, East Cumberland Road, East River Mountain, Elbert Richardson, Gollow Fork Bridge, Jim Linkous, Laurel Fork, Leonard B. Stowers, Mary Clemons, Misc., Mr. John Coburn, Mr. John Coubrin, Mr. W.D. Tuggle, North Gap, Old Haggard Place, Ora Gray Stowers, Raleigh County, Raleigh Grayson Turnpike, Rocky Gap, Route 598, Shannon Bowling, This is a report and interview about the Cumberland Turnpike. The interviews are with Charles Bowling, Tunnel, W.D. Tuggle, Walker Mountain, West Virginia
Charles Akers/Junior Akers
Tags: 0079, 1/15/95, 79, Andrew Ferguson, Ashley Akers, barbers pole, barbershop, Barbershop in Rocky Gap, Black and Decker, Bland, Bluefield, Charles Akers, Charles Akers/Junior Akers, Clara D., Conley Store, Cornelia Hogar Ferguson, Dick Rooker, Dry Fork, Elgood, Elizabeth Stevens Charlton, Eugene Charlton, Evelyn Charlton, Farming, Ferguson, Glen Hare, hair tonic, haircuts, Howard Stowers Store, Johnny Bogle, Junior Akers, MacDaniel Ferguson, Mr. Conley, Mr. Honaker, Mr. Newberry, Mrs. Rayford, Myrtle Charlton, Nathaniel Charlton, oil stove, Palmer Carroll, Ray Williams, Raymond L. Booth, Richard Ferguson, Rocky Gap, shot guns, siren, This is an interview with Charles Akers and Junior Akers about the barbershop in Rocky Gap., Wolf Creek., wood stove, WVA
Celia Smith
Tags: 170, 4/15/96, Appellation Line, Bethany Williams, Bill Brown, Bill Craft, Biography, Celia Smith, Clint Brown, Copperhead, Dr. Richardson, Family/People, Great Depression, Grundy, Johnson, Laurel Creek, Maggie Cradt Brown, Mariah Craft, Nixon, Pearl Harbor, Religion, Rife, Slate Creek, snake bite, Tazewell County, This is the story of a woman raised in a log cabin way back up a holler in Buchanon County., Virginia, Watergate., West Virginia, White Sulfur Springs, Whitewood, WWI, WWII
Cecelia Tupper
Tags: 446, 6/1/04, Amber Brown, Biographical, Cecelia Tupper, Life
Carl Wolfe
Tags: 12/10/99, 467, Carl Wolfe, family / people
Carl Wolfe
Tags: & Tiffany Munson, 0300, 12/27/99, 300, Angel Wolders, bank, Biographical, blind, Bluefield, Carl Wolfej, chicken, chores, Christmas, Clearfork, corn, creek, dog, fireworks, fish, Georgia Dodson, Glenn Davis, Herman, Highway, horsenips, Jessica DeHart, Junior Stowers, lantern, Laurel, Laurel Fork, Lea-Anne Stowers, Life in Bland County, Luther Stowers, New Hope, nursing home, oats, old buggy, oppossom, outhouse, potatoes, Rebecca Willis, roasting ‘ears, Roise Stowers, Rosemary Willis, RT Bowens, Santy Claus, sleigh, snow storm, spring, square dance, stone, store, Sunny Farm, swimming, switch, tap hand, teachers, This is an interview with Carl Wolfe about his life in Bland County., Truddle Stowers, turkey, Valetine’s Day, Virginia Rose, wagon, West Virginia, wheat, winter, woodstove